Page 1 of Panasonic RV-40 or RV-60?

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Panasonic RV-40 or RV-60?

nickwelham (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 13:40

Techtronics have a very good deal on a Panasonic RV-40 at the moment with 3 free films for about £300 incl VAT. Their web-site says it has RGB output but all the magazine reviews I`ve read says it doesn`t. Which is correct? I it doesn`t then I`ll have to buy the RV-60 which is about £50 more expensive.

RE: Panasonic RV-40 or RV-60?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 15:56

The RV60 is panny`s top player, it processes at 54mhz, twice as fast as most DVD player`s giving a cleaner image.

I believe it is one of the best players for sound.

But it does look old


RE: Panasonic RV-40 or RV-60?

Cypher (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 20:25

I almost bought the RV-60 from Techtronics but they F**ked me about.
For an extra £50 I plumped for the Award winning Sony 735 with all the sockets (gold) you need and more toys than an Ann Summers party!
The Duke is right about the panny but the Sony out gun`s it on the visuals. (Try Multiregion Magic, Nice people.)

Sony 735 Rocks with the volume knob turned up to 11 !

This item was edited on Friday, 24th November 2000, 20:36

RE: Panasonic RV-40 or RV-60?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th November 2000, 07:47

"(Try Multiregion Magic, Nice people.)"

Yep got my 505 (which also has all gold sockets:P) from them.

Bloody Nice Chaps.

735 or RV60


But to defeat RCE you must get the 735 which you can manually set the region which is 50 fazoo`s more the the bypass version.


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