Page 1 of R1 problem Toshiba 210e

Hardware Forum

R1 problem Toshiba 210e

jonno (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 21:46

I ordered a Toshiba 210e and first impressions are that the qualty is fantastic but problems occur when I try to play an R1 disk (tried both Shrek and T2). The disk plays but in black and white also the image quality is noticably poorer than R2. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? Any help much appriciated



RE: R1 problem Toshiba 210e

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 10:31

Basically, you`re trying to output a NTSC composite (or S-Video) signal to a TV which only supports PAL. This generally results in a black and white image with nasty fringing/banding effects.

Set your player to output PAL rather than NTSC and you`ll be fine. The image from a R1 disc will still be 60Hz, 525 lines (NTSC standard), but the colour signal will now be PAL, which your TV supports.

Better yet, use a RGB connection between your player and TV set. This requires a fully-wired SCART lead, and a RGB compatible TV (most sets made in the last 10 years will accept RGB). You`ll need to set your player to RGB in the setup menu though.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 10:31

RE: R1 problem Toshiba 210e

Neon (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 13th February 2002, 18:11

The 210 won`t output NTSC as PAL. You`ll have to follow Mike`s suggestion to use RGB. If your set displays a B/W picture it will work as long as it`s got an RGB scart.

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