Info and forum posts by 'jonno'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 31st October 2001, 15:18, Last used: Wednesday, 31st October 2001, 15:18

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: My name is Jonno .... that is all you need to know

This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: News for Back To The Future Fans

"Roads? ..... where we`re going we don`t need roads"

R1 problem Toshiba 210e

I ordered a Toshiba 210e and first impressions are that the qualty is fantastic but problems occur when I try to play an R1 disk (tried both Shrek and T2). The disk plays but in black and white also the image quality is noticably poorer than R2. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? Any help much appriciated



cheapest place for Toshiba 210e

I am intrested in the Toshiba 210e player which i have found multi-region for £189 at but has anyone found this player cheaper elsewhere?

Thanks in advance


Has swordfish arrived?

Has anyone who has ordered a copy of swordfish from ezydvd got their copy yet. I preordered mine and got a dispatch notice last thursday but it still hasn`t arrived yet.



RE: DVDs at CDWOW!!!

To those who have ordered the T2 disc - can you confirm that this is a R1 disk?

Also, tpr007 how much is the safedoor voucher worth and how do i get one?

Thanks in advance


Info on Toshiba 210e

I am considering purchasing a Toshiba 210e DVD player which has been modified to a multiregion player via software. Does anyone know if getting the player chipped would be a better option? Has anyone had any problems with a player modified by software?

Also, the software modification states that RCE is not supported. Is there any workarounds for this particular player?

Lastly, do these players come with the macrovision disabled?

Thanks in advance


RE: Toshiba Software update Adive sought.

Also has the does the macrovision get disabled when there a software upgrade.

RE: Toshiba Software update Adive sought.

I too would like to order this machine, but does anyone know if the remote hack will only play the movie or goes it go through to the menu and access the extras.

RE: TESCO problems !

I`ve never seen any of the Godfather films before, but it seems to be very popular especially at the price at which Tescos are offing it at. What makes this an excellent boxset?

Is R2 Gladiator faulty?

I bought a copy of R2 Gladiator (2 Disc) at HMV a while back and have noticed that the deleted scenes on Disc 2 have a poor quality picture when compared to the actual film on Disc 1. There seems to be vertical lines through all the deleted scenes as well as the trailers. Have I got a faulty disc or is this a problem that others have encountered?



Armageddon Revisited

I vaguely remember a few people posting info on the Armageddon Double Disc after buying it from the DVD Zone 2 website. Could someone who has bought please confirm that it is only the packaging is Dutch and that the menus are in English.

Thanks in advance


RE: Swordfish @ EZYDVD

This looks like a great deal but does anyone know if it contains the 3 alternate endings that are included in the R1 version?

Thanks in advance



Data - where did you get shwordfish for USD12.99? The best price i have seen is USD15.38 from DVDImport.

Thanks in advance


What is the cheapest price for Terminator 2 Ultimate Ed. R1?

From reading the reviews of Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition it seems that R1 is the best version to go for, mainly because of the seamless branching of deleted scenes and of course the missing trailers. The best price i have seen is £13.92 from abSound but it does not come in the tin packaging. Has anyone seen it cheaper, with the tin packaging?