Page 1 of Toy Story R1 - NAD T550 & NTSC - Heeelp!!!

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Toy Story R1 - NAD T550 & NTSC - Heeelp!!!

Dominic R (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th February 2002, 22:04

I have a NAD T550 multiregion that I bought from Richer Sounds. I think it must have been chipped by RS as the NAD website states that it is illegal to sell multiregion players.

I have just bought Toy Story & TS2 region one from Play - v good. Anyway they play very well on the NAD. The picture is perfect - almost.

On closer inspection I notice that at the very top of the screen ( 1 or 2 cms) all the veritcal lines (door frames, etc) have a kink in them. This only happens with these two discs not any of my PAL R2 ones. Is this something to do with the NTSC to PAL conversion that I have read so much about in this forum?

The NAD manual states that it is PAL/NTSC switchable - but I don`t know if this means it converts PAL to NTSC or just plays both types of disc? I contacted NAD and all they could come up with was "As far as I know, the switch is automatic when the T550 is plugged into different voltage."??? Well that can`t be the case as I`m not changing the voltage.

I have a BUSH RF6682 VPL w/s tv which according to the manual & the help line only plays PAL BG/PAL?

Has anyone got any ideas? Should I take my player back, are the dics faulty (unlikely I know) or is it a conversion problem?

Long winded I know but help would be appreciated.

I should add that I am using a scart lead for connection.

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th February 2002, 22:16

RE: Toy Story R1 - NAD T550 & NTSC - Heeelp!!!

STEVE-0 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th February 2002, 08:49

Switchable sounds like it can be set to one or the other. Is there a menu in your setup which you can change manually. I had the same problem with the R1 Toy Story. I had it set to PAL. My machine (not the same as yours) had a option for NTSC or PAL or AUTO. Have a good look if you haven`t already.

RE: Toy Story R1 - NAD T550 & NTSC - Heeelp!!!

Dominic R (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th February 2002, 10:21

Thanks Steve-0 but there doesn`t seem to be any way of manually changing from PAL to NTSC on the menu that I have found. Unless there are hidden menues that you can only access via a code or something.

As I said before it seems to be playing fine - apart form this little bit at the top. The picture was so good I dIdn`t notice it straight way. But now I have seen it, it is driving me mad. My wife says it doesn`t bother her as it is only a small part of the picture. But that is not the point - DVD is supposed to be perfect - isn`t it?

Could the player be at fault?

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