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Do PS2s do the job with DVDs?

lazarou (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 31st January 2002, 19:37

Having recently got a good price for my LG3200E and PSOne I am looking to upgrade ideally to a PS2, especially as I read a post on this forum hinting that the PS2 may come down in price next month. So, 2 questions, can the PS2 cut the mustard with DVD playback, and does anyone know about the proposed price cut (if any?)

RE: Do PS2s do the job with DVDs?

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 31st January 2002, 22:58

The PS2 uses a budget LSI chipset. It`s the same chipset that was used in the old Wharfdale 750 although it seems to have been updated since then. My brother has the PS2 and is perfectly happy with the dvd playback. The dvd player is updateable via cd as well (this means the update could be be included on new game discs etc.) The current PS2 should have the latest dvd driver (this version was also available with the Sony DVD Remote Control)

Reports say that on the 8th March the PS2 is being dropped to £169.99

RE: Do PS2s do the job with DVDs?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 09:42

1/ You try getting a PS2 just now
2/ I have both a PS2 and a Toshiba 210 and they are light years apart. The only good thing I can say about the PS2, apart from it`s gaming, is that if you buy the Soundstation for £40+ it turns into a pretty damned good sounding CD hifi.

RE: Do PS2s do the job with DVDs?

cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 11:47

I`m a cyberhome man myself, although my girlfriend has a PS2. I watched the DVD of Dr Strangelove on the PS2 with her one night and was not impressed. The screen seemed a bit flickery and there appeared to be a slight but constant high pitched sound in the background. In fairness however, I haven`t tried the disc on my own machine (it was her brother`s and he`s taken it away with him), so it is possible it`s just a naff disc. Also watched on different TV to mine consequently could be a hardware issue. Most reviews I`ve read of PS2 really see DVD playback as a gimmicky extra and obviously it`s not what the machine is primarily built to do, so it depends on how many movies you`re going to watch on it.

RE: Do PS2s do the job with DVDs?

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 12:13

One friend of mine went through 2 ps2`s, taking both back because of poor lip-synching. In the end he got his money back, and sold all his games - the quality of which he wasnt too impressed with either! Another friend has been raving about the console, and is perfectly happy with dvd playback, but he mainly uses it for games. I think it boils down to this - if you want to use a ps2 for games, and maybe the occasional dvd, its fine, but if you want to use it as your primary dvd player, you`d be better off looking elsewhere. Why not get a dansai? Only £99 from Tescos, and it`s a perfectly acceptable budget player. Then if you still want a ps2, get it when its price drops and use it for games/cd playback. But why get one? The games are just SOOOOOO expensive, and there`s only one good one imho, GT3!

RE: Do PS2s do the job with DVDs?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st February 2002, 17:20

You know...
I completely agree with you there billyboy.
I`ve only had my PS2 since January the 20th and I`m fed up of it already....
1. The games are expensive
2. They`re all for kids !
Alright, I`m 34, but I`m a product of the gaming generation ! I`d like it more if they did more PC style ` mature ` games, like flight sims etc.
I wish I`d spent my £200 + games of £80 on a good surround system for my DVD instead...
Mind you...I could probably make a profit on my PS2 the way supply is just now ! I was sooooo lucky to get mine. I only got it because my local Costco`s warehouseman found one on the shelf when he was cleaning it !
Their stock said they`d none !

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