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Hardware Forum

Mico Clone

BRILEY (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th November 2000, 16:42

The clone of the Mico is from and is called a Revoy 2200 with a price tag of £325 + £10 delivery!!!
They must be joking!! I would not even pay that for it, even if they do, do it in different colours!! are still advertising the Mico clone? Do they actually sell It?

RE: Mico Clone

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th November 2000, 16:47


335 fazoo`s for a MICO!


HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Not Mico Clone, but Revoy copy

HUNTER (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 6th November 2000, 21:40

Hi! New kid on the block - Revoy UK here. Great to see you`ve noticed us. Revoy is an international company which first launched its 2200 model in Europe in January 2000. We are aware of the MICO player and have in fact purchased a sample of it so that our Technical Director could examine it for the quality of its electronic components. The Mico player appears to look like a copy of the Revoy model, but is an inferior specification. It is not a clone. A clone would be a complete copy. The Revoy model has at its heart the Zoran Vaddis III processor, which offers superior picture and sound quality. The Mico model contains an inferior processor which is the reason why the picture quality is so much poorer and why it is cheaper.

Our price is justified due to this high specification which is equivalent to DVD`s offered by major companies at a higher price than the Revoy model.

We are a successful company. We 100% quality control check every model before it leaves to the customer, so we can be assured that our customers have a player that works as soon as they take it out of the box.

Hope this clarifies the situation for you all.


RE: Not Mico Clone, but Revoy copy

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th November 2000, 00:36

seeing as you have posted to correct Brilleys post, you are also advertising your player!

Did you ask DVD reviewers first?

If you did, or didnt I think you should send them a review model
so we can here the facts from a thrid party!

right guy`s:-)

pity it has not got the Zoran 4.
A non famous brand 330 pound player aint gonna sell too well without a shed load of good reviews..........That is if it is that good?

HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th November 2000, 01:00

RE: Not Mico Clone, but Revoy copy

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 7th November 2000, 01:07

DVD Reviewer are always happy to receive review units, even if our hardware reviewer is currently still unpacking boxes in his new place. ;-)

RE: Not Mico Clone, but Revoy copy

BRILEY (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 15:18

The e-mail I sent To Revoy:

"I could not believe my eyes!!

I have a Mico A980 DVD player which your Revoy 2200 is a clone.

I paid about £186 delivered form

I hope you re-think your price for this DVD player as it is a good player ( If you get one that works!) but at this price you are in the same league as the big companies.

People who buy a multi-region DVD player are well informed about prices. see -

I would like to know how many orders you get at this price? Not many I think."

Maybe I was wrong to assume it was a clone.

The point I was trying to make was that at the price of £325 they are trying to compete with the big companies like Panasonic and Toshiba. Who would buy a DVD player they have never heard of from a company they have never heard of even if it does have a processor which sounds like a planet from Star Trek!

Most people I think would not?

I await an independent review

RE: Not Mico Clone, but Revoy copy

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 16:13

Brilley alot of companies use the zoran processor, if you check the link on the page, their player only uses the zoran III.

Now if it used the Zoran IV with DVD Audio 325 wouldnt be that bad?


RE: Mico Clone

Mr X (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2000, 19:13

The Mico A980 Multi-Region DVD player is a direct clone of the Panasonic A360. When you compare both machines side by side the only difference is the extra options available on the Mico. For instance, MP3, S-VCD and other gimmicks.

But one must consider that that Mico is value for money as it does everything anyone can ask for. Sure, they are other makes out there but I still say Mico is the best DVD player I have brought to date. Ok, the quality control may not be great but if you keep on exchanging you will eventually get one that works 100%.

I am one happy customer as I know that my Mico is basically a Panasonic with a Mico badge.

RE: Mico Clone

BRILEY (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th November 2000, 20:19

I dont think the Mico is a Panasonic clone, I just think Panasonic supplyed the case and maybe some other components?

RE: Mico Clone

UV SUPPORT (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th November 2000, 10:01

Ultravideo don`t sell the Azuda 890 but it`s been superceded by the newer 3000 model..which is basically a development of the previous models..It`s still multi region etc, but now has RGB scart, faster search times, better navigation menus etc....

This item was edited on Friday, 10th November 2000, 13:32

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