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Hardware Forum

Component video vs RGB Scart

Sarmad (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 22:56

Is there a noticeable difference between using RGB Scart or component video, for watching DVD movies?

I am thinking of buying a DVD player and deciding between the Toshiba 210E or the Pioneer 444 (or 545 if my arm can be twisted to pay extra 70 quid). The Toshiba has component output but the Pioneer doesn`t. Both have RGB Scart. How much will I be missing out on if I opt for the Pioneer DVD player and go without component video output?


RE: Component video vs RGB Scart

Neon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 09:09

To take advantage of component output you need a TV with component input - and there aren`t many about. Toshiba do some, dunno about other manufacturers.

RE: Component video vs RGB Scart

bod2 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 21:28

component video is regarded by many as the best connection for dvd. however the difference between it and rgb is very marginal (and unnoticeable to your average punter). component is more commonly found as the input of projection equipment where the picture is very large.

RE: Component video vs RGB Scart

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 22:26

Correct - the larger the piccy, the more noticeable the improvement.

Now, where`s Westy with his 800 inch telly when you need him....

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