Page 1 of Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

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Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

Neoredpill (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th December 2001, 02:45

Just wondered what you lot think is the best. Either the toshiba 210e or the new super cool pioneer 444. Im thinking of getting it from multiregion magig and both these are a similar price but dont know which will have the best overall performance. Any suggestions would be great.


RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th December 2001, 10:36

Hmm tough call : I like the look of both of them !

The Tosh does have component video out socketry (best picture quality, but only of any use if you have a matching TV : i.e. a Toshiba heh-heh), but the Pioneer has an RGB enabled SCART which is only marginally less inferior.

I think there are issues over whether the `210 can be made "VCR Friendly" (ie the Macrovision encryption system overridden), and I`m pretty sure the Pioneer is fairly conducive to this modification.

No qualms about MultiRegionMagic at all - great company : the feedback I`ve heard about this company is cool. Similarly (Upgrade Heaven) are cheap and reliable, and they do the Pioneer for £200.

Both players have had great write-ups in the hi-fi press (especially What Hi Fi), with the Tosh just edging it in terms of vision AND sound.

I think if I was in the same conundrum as you, when it`s too tough to call the difference, I`d see if there`s any way I could arrange a demo to see both players in action :how feasible that is I dunno.

Personal gut feeling ? Tosh just edges it, but only because of the component video socketry.

RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th December 2001, 11:09

Hey im back!

Having seen both players in action, i can safely say that the Tosh wins out in any respects. First the picture, whether it be thru component or Rgb scart is absolutely sensational, and thats at £200! The Pioneer is good, but not a match for the Tosh in my eyes. Plus the sound is richer on the Tosh and it sounds good in stereo as well. Slim the Pioneer may be, but it aint all that and a bag of potato chips. Tosh every time...


RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

Neoredpill (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 01:06

I dont know. Im changing my mind about this every day now. The tosh seems to be the better player but its the constant posting on here of the noisy drive thats putting me off. Think i`ll have to go for the pioneer. Thanks for the advice anyway chaps.


RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

norman stone (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 01:34

I have the Toshiba 110 and I think it`s great BUT the noisey drive is a bit annoying at times ----or do I have bat-like hearing???

RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

I am Kevin (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 10:19

Had the same problem myself. Actually ordered 210 via the net from multiregionmagic - but after reading more on 210 and 444 I called MM the next day & changed order to 444. I`m very pleased with it - epecially the MP3 menu capability. Have not seen or heard 210 so cannot comment - but seen it in the flesh & the 444 looks better, no noise and plays anything I give it.


This item was edited on Monday, 17th December 2001, 10:20

RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 13:34

If you`ll excuse the terrible pun, the claimed noisy drive on the Tosh is a pile of old Tosh...
I`ve compared mine with friends machines of various makes and it ain`t any noisier than any of them. I got paranoid coz of postings on the forum so I went on a mission to find out !
Local Costco are doing the 210 for £149 + vat, plus I heard they might be thinking of chucking in some free discs.
I`ve also heard the 444 can have quite a marked layer change, whereas I rarely notice it on my Tosh.I can`t comment on MP3 or any of that muff as I bought it only to play DVD`s.
My company`s mobile phone supplier, who also sells AV equipment, also reckon the picture and sound are better on the Tosh, whether it`s set to RGB or S-Video.So much so that they use a 210 as their demo machine in their surround/plasma room.

RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

dj76 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 13:58

I have a tosh 210. The picture quality is excellent on my JVC tv. The sound is pretty good with films as well, but quite poor with CDs (no bass - sounds edgy and harsh). My Marantz CD-52 MkII (bought 1994 for c. £150) beats it hands down!

As for the drive, I think it`s noisy. I haven`t compared it to other DVD players, but if they`re all this noisy then manufacturers should get their act together. What`s the point of a noisless digital technology if it`s accompanied by a mechanical hiss?


RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 15:24

Take it back mate
Mine makes very little noise.
I`ve compared it with players that my mates have as follows
No noisier than any of them once it`s playing. I`ve obviously got a good one.
Which is nice...

RE: Which to buy. Toshiba 210 or Pioneer 444 ?

HighlandeR (Competent) posted this on Monday, 17th December 2001, 16:13

That does seem too be the No1 complaint against the Tosh though, Drive noise. My mate claims it also...

My scan player makes no noise at all, virtually silent and this is in a small room and im right next too it too.

Another odd complaint ive heard against the tosh 210 is its not as good picture as the previous Tosh models... which sounds odd considering its pretty much one of the best pictures out there but yet all reviews claim it.

Think the next toshbia DVD player must be only months away and will most likely be alot more improved:)

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