Page 1 of DVD Recorder/VHS Combi Advice Please???

Hardware Forum

DVD Recorder/VHS Combi Advice Please???

M. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 11th October 2005, 21:08

My dad`s after one of these gizmos so that he can:

Record from his Sky+ box onto DVD
Transfer his old home VHS video memories onto DVDs
Link up to another DVD Player to make copies of these home made DVDs at a later date as required.
Muti Region Playback Capability is also a required option any helpfull advice or suggestions would be more than welcome as i`ve never looked into these before.


RE: DVD Recorder/VHS Combi Advice Please???

Dickieboy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th October 2005, 16:22

I don`t know too much about these but I saw them for sale in tescos yesterday.

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