Info and forum posts by 'J B'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 1st August 2001, 20:41, Last used: Wednesday, 1st August 2001, 20:41

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 24 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: I need a new budget(ish) VCR - Any suggestion in the £100 - £150 region?

I also need to replce my vcr, I have been looking at the
Toshiba 851 (£150).
I believe there is a review of it in one of this months magazines, i think it is whathifi , can anyone confirm? And if it got a good review?

RE: toshiba 36` tv

To late smaz, ive already ordered it for you. I`ll need the full 10,000 from you as soon as possible.


RE: How do you choose your speaker cable?

Excellent advice allround, cheers guys

I have now ordered the QED cable!!

many thanks

a happy dvdreviewer visitor

RE: How do you choose your speaker cable?

Most of the reviews and comments i have read have dismissed bi-wire.

No doubt it is slightly better, but I strongly suspect my "amateur ears" are not going to notice any difference, if i spent the extra money on this.

I have therefore decided to go for the QED original (£2per mtr) for all round, presumably this is ok for all the speakers i.e. centre, rear and fronts?, it isnt specifically just designed for the fronts?

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 09:32

RE: How do you choose your speaker cable?


Westy - thanks for the qed tip i have just looked this up on the qed website and will now try and find an online supplier for this.

Neon - thanks for the detailed information. you mention ixos 607 for the rears, do you also recommend this for the centre and fronts?.

I guess I will go for which ever is the cheapest of the above 2 online unless anyone knows of anything else?.


ps. it would appear QED and IXOS do certainly seem to have the cable and interconnect market nicely stitched between them!!

How do you choose your speaker cable?

I have Yam receiver and 5 Mission Speakers.

I need some speaker cable to connnect them all.

The only thing to go off seems to be price per mtre, i.e £1mtr- £2mtr etc etc

I dont really want to spend a lot if i can help it as my rears a miles away so will cost me a fortune.

Is speaker cable all the same so basically just choose what you can afford? or should you try and get a certain brand like you would with scarts etc i.e. ixos etc. ??

any advice much appreciated

RE: toshiba 36` tv

£14,984 thats one pricey tv, you should be able to get it cheaper than that, in fact i`ll do you a special favour and get you one for £10,000 if you want?.


If i had to choose one of those 3 i would choose the Sony.
Personally i would buy a tosh210e or a Pioneer

RE: new 36` toshiba

see this months whatvideo&tv for a review of the tv i think you mention

RE: Which of the cheaper scart cables to get?

Great - 2 people say ixos 2 say btech!!!

Anyoe want to sway the balance?

RE: Which of the cheaper scart cables to get?

remember this isn`t to my dvd player, it`s for my sky and vcr.
Would expensive ixos or qed cables really make a difference here?

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 21:22

RE: Richer Sounds Online is Crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clayts, time to slap your wrist again

Forum Hi Fi is hardly "just up the road" either........hop on an "Arnold" bus. Incidentally, they are now a Sevenoaks franchise ;-)

I didn`t say they were "just up the road",
I said they were further down Mansfield road which they are. So was that sarcastic comment really necessary?.


Which of the cheaper scart cables to get?


I need to buy some scart cables for sky to tv & video to tv .

I don`t really want to buy ixos for this, so am looking for a "cheaper but quality" alternative.

The 2 that i am currently looking at are:

Letropack HCSL14 - £16

BTECH XV21 - £ 9.95

Anyone got any thoughts as to which is the best of the above for my purpose or possibly another recommendation?.
Should i really stick with ixos?

many thanks

This item was edited on Saturday, 4th August 2001, 21:46

RE: Richer Sounds Online is Crap !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stiggy, have you used forum hifi further down mansfield road from richer sounds?, if so what do youi think of them?, are they any good?.

RE: Way-hey - just got Home Highway

re. the ratio aspect your friend refers to adsl as unuseable in the evenings i find this very hard to believe????.

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd August 2001, 17:46

RE: Know of any sites to help choose a Sub?

Prefer the price of the M73`s :-) (now only £130)
I too am getting the M7C1 centre, howeveri felt those M7DS rears were a little to large when i saw them, so have decided to get some smaller older 700`s instead.

My current sub consideration is a yamaha although the matching misson sub you mention sounds interesting.

Where to buy ixos cables online?

Anyone know of any url`s as to where to buy ixos cables online?

I haven`t been able to find "1" yet


RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

thank you clayts.

From viewing the yamaha site I noticed the RXV1000 model!
And found this is now at an amazing price of £395 (srp £800) from RS which is actually cheaper than the RXV800 model !!!

I have now convinced myself to blow the extra £150 and buy this RXV1000 model instead, don`t you just hate it when that happens!!

many thanks

RE: Yamaha RXV520RDS or Yamaha RXV620RDS??

Although Harminid has decided not to get either the: RXV520 or RXV620

Does anyone here have any expereince of these 2 receivers, i am going to buy the RXV520RDS which is £250 whereas the the 620 is £350.

The difference between the 2 i think is one 80w the other 100w.

For those that know about these, is an extra £100 worth it for this?

RE: Know of any sites to help choose a Sub?

Would a sub make a "noticeable" difference though to my particular mission setup (m73) ?

RE: Know of any sites to help choose a Sub?

Hi Westy.

You`re quite right in what you say about the m73`s they do have plenty of bass, in your opinion therefore would you say that a sub is necessary?.

I have been told with these speakers that a sub isnt necessary by one person but necessary by another.

Therefore would a separate Yamystw90 sub make a nice ""noticeable "" difference to my setup, or not?

RE: Know of any sites to help choose a Sub?

Thank you for the link.

Unfortunately those 3 subs are a little more than i wanted to spend.

I don`t suppose you know of any particular make that go well with mission speakers do you?

Know of any sites to help choose a Sub?


Is anyone able to point me to a site url where I can get some info on subs and what to look for when choosing one?.

I have decided to get the new mission M73 (front), new mission centre and smaller mission 700 rears.

Just a bit unsure about what to compare when looking at subs.

Thank you in advance

( ps. FYI: I was thinking of around £150 for the sub and will more than likely be putting this with the Yamaha RXV520RDS)