Page 1 of Apex/VDDV AD-600A DVD? !

Hardware Forum

Apex/VDDV AD-600A DVD? !

pubs29782 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2000, 21:16

I ordered this player from 3 weeks ago and it says on the website "allow up to 3 weeks for delivery". no sign of it so far!!! i`ve tried phoning the helpline numerous times to no avail-just an answering machine!!! the order was definitely processed as i got an e-mail confirming my order but where the hell is my 300 pound player!!?? CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT?

RE: Apex/VDDV AD-600A DVD? !

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th September 2000, 07:40

Try and Cancel! DO it NOW!

The Yelo 800, Samsung 811 & Hitachi 505 are better & cheaper!


RE: Apex/VDDV AD-600A DVD? !

nelley (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th September 2000, 11:00

If you paid by credit card then call the credit card company and explain
the situation that they have debited your card and not delivered.

RE: Apex/VDDV AD-600A DVD? !

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th October 2000, 23:56

Naughty naughty - they have broken the law then, haven`t they
Try your local CAB or Trading Standards. You might also want to check they are still trading - Ring Companies House in Cardiff and they should be able to confirm it (they also have a website, can`t remember the address!)

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