Page 1 of Lecson 900 firmware upgrade CD available

Hardware Forum

Lecson 900 firmware upgrade CD available

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st July 2001, 09:41

The Total DVD website reports on 28th June that there is a firmware upgrade CD available for this player just be ringing up and asking for one, from Debenhams.

Here`s the link :

Hope this helps all you `900 owners !

RE: Lecson 900 firmware upgrade CD available

KC (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 1st July 2001, 11:15

Anybody got this disc? if so can u upload the firmware file somewhere. FIRMTweak support for the Lecson 900 may then follow :-)


RE: Lecson 900 firmware upgrade CD available

mostlyharmless (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd July 2001, 13:38

Does anybody know what this upgrade changes ? Anybody tried it yet ?

I`m worried that it will remove the multi-region hack.

RE: Lecson 900 firmware upgrade CD available

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 2nd July 2001, 17:16

Yeah, I realised after I`d posted that might be the case.

The `official` line is that it will enable the `900 to play some of the troublesome new releases.

My advice is don`t upgrade for the sake of it. Sampo-clone player owners (eg Encore, Afreey) nearly got caught out by this one - thanks to some quick-witted American friends, everyone tried to avoid upgrading to the new firmware, or if it came pre-installed backward-flashed to earlier firmware to retain the loopholes. Mind you, Sampo were under intense scrutiny by the MPAA at the time...

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