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Component connection - is it for me?

dsmso (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 14:08

I`ve just bought a new TV (Samsung Rear Projection - SP42Q2HL) and I believe it has component in (progressive scan - I think). As far as I know my current DVD player has component outputs. Is it worth buying a component cable? Or should I stick to a good RGB only scart?

Do you think the component cable below (see link) is any good?

Thanks for your help,


This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 15:11

RE: Component connection - is it for me?

Brooktop (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 14:41

There`s a definite difference/improvement on my plasma when I set the setting to RGB over Video; haven`t got a scart terminal board but all the advice is that component DOES give the best pic (then RGB Scart, then Scart, then RF).

RE: Component connection - is it for me?

I. Merriman (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th May 2005, 16:48

In theory component is better than RGB scart, but it also depends on the quality of the lead & the DVD player.

So component is probably (but not definately) going to be better.

If you get a good picture with a scart then I`d stick with it (the improvement won`t be that big) but if you`re not happy with the Scart picture then give it a try.

RE: Component connection - is it for me?

Brooktop (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 09:58

Sound words...however I`d add that big screens, plasmas, LCDs (and I`m assuming RP) do benefit from a good signal...they`re less forgiving than CRT. I notice a big improvement from video scart to RGB scart (then channelled to the plasma via component leads) so I`d give it a go. If you really don`t notice a difference, you could always take them back if you`ve bought them from somewhere like Maplins).

RE: Component connection - is it for me?

74-Daijiro-74 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 10:21

Hi, a digital connection (HDMI) will be the best connection, following that it should be component especially if you later get a progressive scan DVD player, that would look exceptional with a big screen. The next best should be RGB scart.
I bought some component cables from CPC and it made a big difference to my current setup of good quality RGB Scart, if I try to describe the improvement I`d say the picture has more depth, colours and images are purer.
Remember if you go the component cable route you`ll need an audio feed from your DVD player.
Dunno if they`re the best cables but they`re excellent with my old DVD player and TV (Sony 725 DVD player and Toshiba Picture frame TV), have a look here:


This item was edited on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 11:38

RE: Component connection - is it for me?

dsmso (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 13:31

Thanks for the info/advice. I think I`ll have a go with the component leads. If the picture quality is the same or better I`ll use my current RGB Scart for the SKY Digibox.

I`ll let you know how it works out.

Thanks again,


RE: Component connection - is it for me?

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 14:56

I use a component cable when watching movies/playing games via my Panasonic projector - the picture quality is a definite improvement over Scart. It`s probably worth it if you don`t mind investing in the best quality cable you can afford... otherwise I wouldn`t bother.

RE: Component connection - is it for me?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 15:08

I have some barely used profigold component leads if you want them.
Tried component/progressive but couldn`t get it to work,so the cables were shoved back in their packaging and shoved in a cupboard.
I bought them from and they cost me around £20 all in.
I`ll take a tenner for them and p+p will be free,once your cheque cashes.

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