Page 1 of What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

Hardware Forum

What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 12:48

We`re in a bit of a hardware reviewing Hiaitus here at Reviewer. I`m thinking of what we need to push suppliers to review now, and I thought we should ask the forums to see what it is that people *really* want to read about.

So come on then, which hardware do you want to see analysed here at Reviewer ? Some of the things I think might be good are:

Wharfedale M5
Yamaha / Panasonic Home theater systems
New Yammy Amp
Sony 945STBD type amp


What do you guys reckon ?


PS Ironduke, how about a nice new Hitachi review ?!

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 12:48

RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

Navs (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 12:55

A review of the Wharfedale M5 please.
The new LG 4750

RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 13:22

It`s probably quite important to concentrate on the popular budget players, and ones that folks might pick up from high street shops:-

Wharfedale M5
Minato G1
LG 3300, 3350, etc.
Aiwa 370
Cyberhome ADN
Toshiba SD210
Bush 2004/9
Alba 104
Mico 890
Goodmans 100/3000 (no relation to me)
Azuda DVD-862
Manahattan DVD-2000
Sharp 720
Samsumg 511

Do I need to go on?


RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

monkeyspank (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 13:39

Cheepish amp and speakers ie kenwood 5050 denon 1601 etc

RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 13:42

Oi Rich, gimme a break - the Manhattan review is already done !!


RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 16:07

It would be nice to see reviews for DVD player accesories, such as DTS amps etc. I found the lazeeboy (sp?) article parcticularly interesting. Most people who come here, already have a DVD player and those that don`t ask and are given very good advice.

Just in case you missed it..I`d like to see DVD plaer accessories reviewed more an not just the players themselves.

RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

mackie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 21:31

Wharfe M5

RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

José Azevedo (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd June 2001, 00:02

A comparision of Home Theatre In A Box Systems from Pioneer, Sony, Kenwood, Panasonic, Onkio.
They`re becoming an excellent solution for small homes, full featured, small footprint, easy to set-up and, in many cases, a pleasure to watch and listen. Oh, and they won`t make a hole in your pocket.
I`ve just bought one, which I`m not going to mention its brand, and am really happy with the space and money savings against a component/separates system. It sounds very good, has DTS, an envolving and powerfull bass and an amazing design.
This "new" category is becoming more attractive every day. Worth a deeper review.

RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd June 2001, 01:26

I would really like to see a review of the Wharfedale M5 aswell please. Its getting me more and more interested. Yep.

I think you should just review everything you can get your hands on. The review of that armchair was a good idea, and a step in the right direction. If you could test a range of low-mid price sofas aswell that would be great. Go on, you know you want to. Its an excuse to go to Ikea at least. I need a sofa dammit.

Other things to review: Food!, drink!, stands (for speakers, TVs or amps), DVD storage solutions (if there is such a thing), interconnects, TVs, speakers......

Dammit I could go on for ages but I somehow dont think you can review everything there.


RE: What hardware would YOU like to see reviewed ?

readmenow (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd June 2001, 12:28

I`d like to see an independant review of all the players, av amps and speakers which Richersounds knock out on their promo pages in magazines. A lot of the stuff which Richersounds sells is not reviewed because it is only sold by them. Eclipse and Limit players, Sherwood amps and Eltax speakers spring to mind.

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