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Sky Plus to DVD

bux46 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 15:45

Recently had Sky plus installed which is great for idle sod like me coz i can put all
the progs i want to watch for the week in one go at the press of a button and also link
progs so i dont miss the next prog and so on ...........

Now i want to go to the next step of bringing those progs off the sky box onto DVD

I have sat and read some of the posts on here and i will confess that a lot the spec
type stuff goes over my head

so my question is ............

Has anyone done this ???? what are the pitfalls ???? what will i need apart from a
DVD recorder of course and does anyone recomend a type of recorder ????

I have about £350 to spend on this project


RE: Sky Plus to DVD

Connor (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 19:04


I am just about to do the same I am buying a liteon5006 from ccl £145 hooking that up to my sky+ box via the scart lead and copy a gogo.

As far as I know thats it. Set the sky+ box to copy mode and off you go.


RE: Sky Plus to DVD

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 20:51

To make full use of Sky+ and its broadcast quality recordings,you will need a HDD/DVDR combo.Not only will this enable you to edit all the ads and padding from your Sky+ copies,it will also let you take advantage of the Sky+ COPY feature that allows you to copy multiple recordings over one after the other either overnight or while out,then on your return you can edit the whole lot and copy to dvd however you wish,all neat and tidy.DVDR only units are very restricted if you are an avid collector

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 21:26

To make full use of Sky+ and its broadcast quality recordings,you will need a HDD/DVDR combo.

Well as a Sky+ and Liteon 5005B owner I can honestly say recording from the +box to DVDR is a piece of pish. Simply record the programme and when you get round to recording to a DVDR simply press the Pause button on the recorder remote. Not exactly rocket science but it works.
BTW an HDD / DVD recorder combination may be the ideal but as the +box can record twenty hours as is, a simple recorder will do the job just as well as any other unit without the need to get a HDD set.

DVDR only units are very restricted if you are an avid collector

Just how in the name of scheitte is a DVDR unit restricted when allied to a Sky+ box ?????? . Best of both worlds the philistine/luddite in me thinks :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 22:50

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 21:28

Set the sky+ box to copy mode and off you go.

Connor, far better to simply playback the recording, set the 5006 to Scart in (press Source button three times ) and if it is say an episode of 24, pause the recorder at the ad breaks. The Copy option will not allow you to do this :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th May 2005, 22:31

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

bux46 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 20:30

Thanks for that boys BUT

Does that mean i dont need a recorder with an hard drive in ?????

and do you mean i can edit a prog as well ???? ie... take out the adverts and any overun type of stuff ????

is all of this on screen type of editing ???

Thanks Bux46

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 20:36

I would certainly like to see what a poor untidy pile of cack your collection of dvd recordings are.
A DVDR unit is fine for uninterrupted programmes or movies,but with commercials to be edited out there is no way you can be frame perfect on a dvd only machine.The ad captions appear and disappear without any fades whatsoever so there is far superior editing on a HDD machine.
As for using a DVD+ machine,and a Liteon at that,I would like to see what your +R recordings of 24 off Sky look like.
But I suppose it depends how picky you are.I like the editing to be done as good as it can be.I used to use a DVDR and Sky+ for copying,but for editing its a joke.On top of that,with a HDD machine theres no need to go back to the primitive days of VHS and sit by the pause button.You copy the entire programme to your HDD and then edit at your leisure and copy an entire dvd in 8 minutes.
As for saying a DVDR only unit will do the job as well as a HDD unit shows that you have obviously never even used a HDD/DVDR combo.So you can make silly comments like that once you have

This item was edited on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 21:39

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

nostalgiadvd (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 20:41

And even though the OP has never used one yet,he is sensible enough to know that editing is NOT sitting on the pause button,and dvdr only seriously inhibits use of padding due to time constraints.
What Choagy says IS possible,but you can imagine the difference between holding the pause button and proper editing.Depends how fussy you are and if you think the extra cost is worth it.
But many have written on here about how they never quite realised how much easier it is with a HDD.
The Pioneer 420 ,only £299 or Panasonic Eh50,same price.

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

bux46 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 20:48

Dear nostalgiadvd
Thanks for your posts you certainly seem to know your stuff just the guy i have been looking for
Question you say i would be better with a combo WHY ???

RE: Sky Plus to DVD

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 21:09

I would certainly like to see what a poor untidy pile of cack your collection of dvd recordings are.
A DVDR unit is fine for uninterrupted programmes or movies,but with commercials to be edited out there is no way you can be frame perfect on a dvd only machine.The ad captions appear and disappear without any fades whatsoever so there is far superior editing on a HDD machine.
As for using a DVD+ machine,and a Liteon at that,I would like to see what your +R recordings of 24 off Sky look like.
But I suppose it depends how picky you are.I like the editing to be done as good as it can be.I used to use a DVDR and Sky+ for copying,but for editing its a joke.On top of that,with a HDD machine theres no need to go back to the primitive days of VHS and sit by the pause button.You copy the entire programme to your HDD and then edit at your leisure and copy an entire dvd in 8 minutes.
As for saying a DVDR only unit will do the job as well as a HDD unit shows that you have obviously never even used a HDD/DVDR combo.So you can make silly comments like that once you have

My recordings of 24 are almost perfect, so much so that the pause during ad-breaks are not even noticable. All that is displayed is the clock , 17:00:00 etc, so not a great loss there.
If I want a perfect reproduction I will buy the series/movie on DVD but until then the 5005B/Sky+ works perfectly for me.

"Cack collection" "Silly comments" etc. good god listen to yourself.

My comments were posted in the hope they would be helpful however your diatribe of criticism actually says more about you than it does of me. So goodnight from me.


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