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HELP-cant decide

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 10th May 2005, 19:47

after reading lots of reviews about either machine i am torn between a panasonic drm-eh50 and a pioneer dvr 420. i am looking for one that i can edit stuff on the hard drive like remove adverts and other bits that i dont want and then transfer it quickly to disc (high speed dubbing i think) as i have a mixture of dvds for my pc + and - i would like to be able to use any of them in the dvd recorder.i dont have any ram discs (although my pc burner burns to ram ive never used them)each machine seems to be excellent recorders so i need help to decide which one.they are both priced about the same so price really isnt an issue.does anybody have either of these machine as i would like their views on present i have a liteon 5005 which has served me admirably for a year now with no problems.but i would like a machine with better editing facilities.
many thanks for your help

RE: HELP-cant decide

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th May 2005, 20:05

The Pioneer 520 (with DV-in) is only £267 here :o
Does anyone know if the forthcoming EH60 has DV-in? Otherwise what`s the lowest spec Panny that does?


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: HELP-cant decide

DVD novice (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th May 2005, 11:52

The Pioneer 420 / 520 will only record approx 2hrs 20 mins at full Resolution but the Panasonic will do upto 4hrs.

However I seem to remember reading that the Panasonic will lose any Manual Chapter marks in High Speed Dubbing to disc (so to keep them you have to do realtime Dub) but you will need to check if this is correct.

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