Page 1 of Which player to get, Tosh210 or WharfM5

Hardware Forum

Which player to get, Tosh210 or WharfM5

mackie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 23:18

Stuck as to which to go for the

Toshiba210 or Wharfedale M5

Can anyone give me an advantage of one over the other?

Do you know if the M5 has multiregion auto or manual switching? and does the M5 cope with rce well ???

Thanks in advance

RE: Which player to get, Tosh210 or WharfM5

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 01:11

M5 is multi-region switchable via a remote hack (SETUP and 6,2,8,3,6) and will laugh in the face of RCE discs. is your guide to that player.

RE: Which player to get, Tosh210 or WharfM5

mackie (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 11:30

Anyone have a magazine review of the M5??.

The tosh is reviewed this month (WV&T) and gets a great review i would like to see a review for the M5.

many thanks

RE: Which player to get, Tosh210 or WharfM5

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 22:49

So would I !!!

I have e-mailed the guru, Rob Lane, so hopefully....

RE: Which player to get, Tosh210 or WharfM5

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd June 2001, 23:42

hmmm. i bought a M5 and after a week took it back cause the thing was stuttering worse than the jailer in life of brian.. ;0) i have heard that there r workin ones about but i have my doubts,, so .. i now got 200 quid burnin a hole in me pocket and dunno what to get,, i need assistance.. i might even go back and buy the minato G1 from tescos for 109 quid,, had no probs with that till i swapped it for M5.. didnt look as nice and no on board decoder but it did everything else including MP3.. so do i buy that? or go for sumit else like the aiwa 370 ? eclipse 695? LG 3250? cmon lads.. help me out..!! :0)
Cheers... Chivalry

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