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Samsung 511 wins over LG3200

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 09:19

Mate went for Samsung 511 in exchange for his, apparently, knackered LG3200 ( wouldn`t play sound on Toy Story 2 ).
I helped him set it up and I must say I`m well impressed. Much easier to set-up than the LG and the picture and sound also seem better. It also plays the very same Toy Story 2 disc without any problems.The sound compression feature is also a great idea. I`m willing to concede the LG could have been a bad one, but at the same time the Samsung barely seems to get a mention on this forum yet looks an excellent buy for only £160.00.
Cheers to those who pointed us in the right direction.

RE: Samsung 511 wins over LG3200

tony.s (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th May 2001, 19:48

i have a samsung 511 and i must say it is a very good unit for the price.the only thing i find with mine is that when it plays double layed dvd`s it skips abit. but if you press stop then play it sorts it`s self out.

RE: Samsung 511 wins over LG3200

duder (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th May 2001, 23:00

I have had no problems with my Samsung 511 and it`s a good player in my opinion.

RE: Samsung 511 wins over LG3200

kman (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 17th May 2001, 23:16 sell Samsung511 only £134.99

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