Info and forum posts by 'Tamar'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 15:25, Last used: Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 15:25

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Not a real tech buff, just joined so I can get info off peeps who know their stuff.

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: TiVo, is it worth buying..........

I`ve got one, came free with the TV a coupla years it.

Never got the subs, but can pause TV & record, also FFW and RW.

Whats the point of subscribing, what are the benefits, isn`t just a glorified video recorder, it can do that without the subs. Shame you can`t watch one channel and record another, like Sky Plus.

RE: AT LAST!!!!!!!!! Hack found for Matsui DVDR100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I`ve tried it, and the machine said it was region free. I just meant that I don`t have any non region 2 discs to fully test it.

I`ve had another member email me and say it does though!!!

I can also verify its had no adverse affect on the DVD recorder.

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

My sweet cousin set it up for me.....just not sure how to tune the Tivo into the DVD recorder.

BTW: I HAVE THE REGION HACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe this???

I`ve left beggin posts all over the DVD forums and I finally get the hack from a member of the fiona apple forum - One of the members, ms, gave it to me, I tried it and it seems to work, however am not able to double check it with any region 1 DVDs etc, but a note comes up to say its region free....well, here goes....

Open tray
Press Return
Press Info
Enter 8880

AT LAST!!!!!!!!! Hack found for Matsui DVDR100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe this???

I`ve left beggin posts all over the DVD forums and I finally get the hack from a member of the fiona apple forum - One of the members, ms, gave it to me, I tried it and it seems to work, however am not able to double check it with any region 1 DVDs etc, but a note comes up to say its region free....well, here goes....

Open tray
Press Return
Press Info
Enter 8880

Let me know how y`all find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Bought one and am having probs setting it up.

I have Tivo, Sky, and DVDR100.

Set it up according to the Tivo manual, putting it in VCR`s place. It will play ok, but can`t seem to program Tivo into DVD so that we can record from Tivo/ and or Sky, although my br reckons we can record from the TV. Is this somehow connected to the scart lead probs?

Oh yeah, has ANYONE got the region hack 4 it, or do u know where I can get it from??

Region Hack for Matsui DVDR100

OK, so Dixons and Curry`s have sold loadsa them......which means there`s a whole load of us wanting a region hack for it!!!

Is there anybody out there who can help us?



RE: Matsui DVDR100

Just wanted to know, how do I do the region hack 4 the Matsui DVDR100?
For info of poster commenting on aesthetics of, it actually looks pretty lush, slimline with mirror finish.
Returning mine cos the startup screens flickering, store said it must be faulty. Quite happy to get another one, cos I like the price....have printed out the info on the fault one of the other posters found so I can check it out instore before I take it home though.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th December 2004, 15:53