Page 1 of slightly off subject but do read - please avoid Samsung televisions !

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slightly off subject but do read - please avoid Samsung televisions !

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 18:34

A couple of months ago, I purchased one of the latest Samsung Televisions. Something like 32 inch WI6VN super hitron wide in gun metal grey.
Well, from the off it played up with the AV1 channel re booting itself on scene changes and menu access to name a couple of points also, AV2 could not carry widescreen overide. Then last week, white lines appeared to run from approx the middle of the screen over to the right - very noticable on gladiator and matrix etc.
Thankfully, the dealer who I bought the TV from came around as I mentioned that a brick was eding its way to his shop via the TV screen ! Firstly, he said that there was a compatability problem. Ho ho - I am running a Samsung 511 into the RGB socket duh ! When he finally quoted something called over modulation he agreed to exchange the set as long as I coughed up £100.00 in installments as the sale price had gone back up. I agreed and he delivered the second set which in fairness at least handled wide screen in AV2.
However, to my horror, the RGB signal was terrible with shocking white lines running from right to left ( not macrovision as I dont use VCR ) Again he called around and questioned my scart leads - which happen to be pretty tidy £20 leads ( fully shielded and all that ) .
However, finally, he has offered me a 28 " widescreen DX1 ? pure silver panasonic which I know is a compromise but the 32" is well out of my range. I have taken it and frankly, the difference is astounding. I can run the DVD itno AV2 s-video and sky into RGB AV1 without any problem.

So, the point of my posting is to warn any forum users to steer well clear of these Samsung television sets as they really are below par..see last months What TV and video for proof I hope to save even one person my grief !

By the way , fair play to the dealer he could have told me to lump it..couldn`t he ? ( Avon Video, Bristol ) oh yeh , and what exactly is over modulation ??????

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 18:36

RE: slightly off subject but do read - please avoid Samsung televisions !

geordieboy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th May 2001, 20:47

For a start hewas trying to take the p*** out of you asking for the extra dosh, just cos the price had gone up, that wasn`t your fault.Regardless what the price is now, you shouldn`t have to pay any extra for exactly the same piece of kit (good job you didn`t-tell me you didn`t).Secondly my 28" WS Sammy hasn`t had any probs yet with my Philips 711, all very good indeed. Just thopught I`d let you know about the money thing really, because your rights state you are entitled to a replacement for faulty goods, not "yes you can have another one, but by the way the price has gone up, more dosh please!!!" Great customer service that is, I`d get a right bollocking for that one.

RE: slightly off subject but do read - please avoid Samsung televisions !

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th May 2001, 19:47

Are you entitled to a replacement, though?

I know you`re entitled to a *refund* on faulty goods, but is the seller legally obliged to replace the set with another of the same model if you request this instead?


RE: slightly off subject but do read - please avoid Samsung televisions !

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th May 2001, 07:14

Mike G,

I assume so, but having had two ropey sets from Samsung I asked if I could steer away from them which he was more than happy to do.
The odd thing is the overall viewable picture ( 28" against 32" ) is only slightly less when considering black bars etc but I am more than happy with that as the picture quality / difference on the Panny is unbelivably better.


RE: slightly off subject but do read - please avoid Samsung televisions !

Maxknight007 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th May 2001, 18:39

Under the Sale Of Goods Act you may ask for a replacement set, although the shop may decline. The act says this basically (not the acts exact words) - `You have a legal right to ask for a cash refund. You may prefer a replacement article, but you cannot legally demand this.`

Max Knight

Toshiba SD100E Rules :)

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