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dvd burner question

kirky (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2004, 23:24

Hi to everyone who reads this,

got a question about my fathers dvd burner, which is a P.C. burner.
at the minute it only writes at the x1 speed , its been like this for some time now he`s told me.

it a liteon dvd-r/rw drive, he`s tried five different brands of discs from x4 - x8 speed but it does`nt seem to make any difference it stiil only copies at x1.
any help would be grateful for him.


RE: dvd burner question

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2004, 23:34

hi :) whats the spec of the pc ?

also it`s worth checking the setting in you`re burning software to make sure there`s no default speed set

hope this helps

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

RE: dvd burner question

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 09:46

Yep, check the default speeds in your burning program first (Incidentally, what is the burning program you are using)

If that doesn`t sort it, maybe you are using a trialware burning program? Some programs give you a certain amount of time to use it fully, after which, it continues to function at only x1 speed..Fireburner springs to mind.

RE: dvd burner question

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 10:21

If that doesn`t sort it, maybe you are using a trialware burning program?

Beat me to it!
Thats an old CDRWin trick, limited to 1x burning in the trial versions.
Dunno if any other manufacturers did it too though.

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: dvd burner question

kirky (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 13:44

hi again,

the spec on the pc is 160 gig hd with a 3GHz processor
the software he`s using is nero 6 with imgtool burn 1.1.6 version.

think it might now be the disc hes using at the mo. (data-rite x8 speed) he gave me one to try in my machine and it only show as a x4 writeable disc! ?.

Thanks to all who answered.


RE: dvd burner question

Luffer (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2004, 16:14

I use Datawrite greys at 8x with DVDShrink and DVD decryptor no problem on an NEC2510a burner. I know that some DVDR firmwares dont always read the discs at stated write speed with certain dyes which could be an issue.

One thing that confused me was that, unlike a CD my DVDR does not burn at a constant speed, it starts (from memory) at 1.1x on the lead in, climbs to 4.2x, then peaks at 8.3x as it progresses across the disc. If you listen you can hear the speed increase, and once burned, you can see where the write speed increased in the dye layer. (This made me think my burner read ANV 8x discs at 4x, but it doesnt, it hits 8x. I even updated firmware to try and cure the `problem`)

Have you monitored write speed across the disc

Lots of in depth knowledge on this site

This item was edited on Friday, 19th November 2004, 16:19

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