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My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

Flip MArtian (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th August 2004, 21:17

So there I was merrily transferring VHS onto HDD - then I went to split a recording to chop off the unwanted bit at the start...and it froze while doing so - wouldn`t respond to commands at all. I eventually switched it off and waited.

Now all I get when I switch on is the self check routine running - and then it seems to do nothing - the only thing on the display is a little "HDD" - it won`t respond to any remote commands or any button presses on the unit itself - all I can get it to respond to is the main power switch on the front panel when switching off again.

Has anyone had anything similar who might know the cause? Although I`ve been copying stuff onto DVD-Rs the last few weeks I had built up about 30 hours worth on the HDD - most of which will be lost forever if I can`t rescue this somehow (ie I`ve binned the VHS tapes).

Help! Please? :(

Meant to add as well - as well as the above, the VHS is still plugged into 1 of the SCARTs but the Panny won`t let the signal through to the TV now either...

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th August 2004, 22:34

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

Jefferson Haliday (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th August 2004, 14:56

As the Panny 85 is a computer have you ensured that you have unplugged it when you turn it off? Just an idea that`s all

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

Flip MArtian (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th August 2004, 17:54

Yes, unfortunately. Had hopes that that would solve it but apparently not. Been totally reliable and worked perfectly up until last night too... :(

I had disconnected the power completely to reboot with no luck. Switching back on goes through self check - I can hear the HDD spin up - but then rather than come alive it goes into this "nothing" mode as above where all I can do is switch off again. No error messages, nothing...

This item was edited on Friday, 6th August 2004, 18:55

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

ScottN (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th September 2004, 15:37

Hi Flip,

You may recall that I bought an E85 just after you, having read your recommendations on this site. Well, yesterday, mine went exactly the same way as yours: in the middle of dividing a title it froze - I had to turn it off and now whenever I start it up it self-checks and then - nothing - just the blank display.

Would you let me know if you managed to fix yours or if you had to call an engineer out, If the latter, did you lose all the stuff on your hard drive?


RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

knowall69 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th September 2004, 14:32

;) Have you tried re-initializing the Pana, not sure of the procedure on the E85 but it should be in the hand book, probably under forgotten pin number.

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

ScottN (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 10:09

No procedure in handbook for lost PIN number or re-initializing. I did unplug the unit for 24 hours to wipe the internal battery but that has had no effect.

I`ve since also found another forum where someone was complaining of exactly the same fault caused, once again, during the divide title operation.

Sounds like a hardware bug with this model.. any E85 users should beware.

I`ve contacted the seller, Digital Point, who have told me to phone Panasonic direct.

Will let everyone know what happens.

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

goblinspell (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 13th September 2004, 17:16

Hi scottn sorry to here your having problems with your e85 .I also have the e85 as yet its sweet as a nut but I have not divide a title operation yet!!!!!! so yes let us know when find the fix. :/ :/ many thanks

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

ScottN (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 15:53


To be honest I was in the process of transferring my video collection, like Flip, so perhaps I was overworking it. If you only divide titles once in a while then perhaps it will be okay. Bad news anyway.

Panny are picking it tomorrow - they offered to replace it with a refurbished model but, a) i didn`t like the sound of that, b) I`ve got loads of stuff on the HDD, and c) I doubt they`d give me a multi-region one back (Digital Point told me to remove all their stickers before letting Panny have it).

Will let you know how it goes.

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 16:24

How long have you had it?
It seems to me Digital Point are shirking all their obligations to you. You deal with them (the retailer) not Panasonic. If it`s fairly new you are entitled to a replacement. Within a `reasonable` amount of time..


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

goblinspell (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 14th September 2004, 17:57

Hi scott I have got to the bottom of your problem all panasonic e85 with the serial numbers like this HR4CB001784 its the letter after the first no4 which will tell you if you have a bad one.Well bad is not the word I am looking for any way after the 4 you need to have the letter F and above to be one is C (rats) we will need a software update to over come it.But like you say it will not be mulit-reg when it comes back.They asked you to take the labels of becasue if panasonic find that it has had the mod they will not touch it.I don`t want I am going to do iI will talk to the suppler but I think we will all get the run around ,as I say the unit is fine until you try to divide a title on the hard drive. I dont think they should give you a refurbish unit ,the bad side you will lose what you had on the hard drive .I dont think that digtal point could fix it any way they need the software.!!!!!
from one not very happy customer.
let us know how you get on

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