Info and forum posts by 'ScottN'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 11th May 2004, 13:11, Last used: Tuesday, 11th May 2004, 13:11

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This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

To update everyone on what happened,

I received my E85 back from Panny and it is up and running again.

It is still multi-region so no problems there but they appear to have replaced the hard drive as all of my recordings are gone... even though the girl on the phone told me that everything would still be there.

The reason I believe they`ve replaced the drive is because my SP capacity has gone from 34 hours to 36... bizarre, but handy nonetheless.

I`ve started dividing titles again and will just keep my fingers crossed that the problem doesn`t occur again.

RE: Panasonic E55 DVD Recorder - Looking for media recommendations and Prices ?

I use Ritek G-04 (A grade) white printable DVD-R from Rambox. Very cheap (30p odd a disc) and excellent quality.

I`ve never had one coaster and the discs have played superbly on a variety of machines.

You can also inkjet print these discs with an Epson R200/300/800 printer with surprisingly impressive results.

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

Hi all,

I have phoned Panasonic today to find out what is going on with my faulty machine and they have told me that it should be with me within the next couple of days (nice to be informed...).

I asked the reason for the fault and all she was able to tell me was that they have updated the software, so it sounds like the reports above re the serial numbers, etc., are accurate.

To reassure some people who, based on some of the messages in this thread may be terrified of attempting to divide a title, you`d be very unlikley to have a problem every time you decided to divide a title.

My machine froze after I had transferred a large number of videos to DVD and had divided titles many, many times. If you don`t divide titles that often then you may never experience this problem and, to some extent, there is some benefit in finding the problem sooner (certainly within 12 months) rather than later when the unit is out of guarantee.

I have yet to discover whether my unit will still be multi-region, etc., once it gets back to me so I will drop another reply on this thread later this week to let you all know.

Thanks for all the comments and information,

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

I was also a bit shocked that Digital Point weren`t acting on this directly but Panasonic didn`t seem to think it was strange when I explained the matter to them.

They`ve said that they will try and fix the unit so presumably they can update the software bug you mention (my serial number does have the `C` as you predicted).

However, if it comes back to me region 2 only then I will be pursuing the matter with DP as that is not what I paid for.

It`s pretty poor for a four month old machine to pack up - you would have thought the experience Panny have had in manufacturing DVD recorders would have counted for something.

Don`t get me wrong, it`s a fantastic device and I couldn`t fault it at all - I just hope that this is the last of my problems with it and not the first of many. Perhaps an extra 4 year Panasonic guarantee at £150 is worth considering....?

Thanks for the info!

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?


To be honest I was in the process of transferring my video collection, like Flip, so perhaps I was overworking it. If you only divide titles once in a while then perhaps it will be okay. Bad news anyway.

Panny are picking it tomorrow - they offered to replace it with a refurbished model but, a) i didn`t like the sound of that, b) I`ve got loads of stuff on the HDD, and c) I doubt they`d give me a multi-region one back (Digital Point told me to remove all their stickers before letting Panny have it).

Will let you know how it goes.

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

No procedure in handbook for lost PIN number or re-initializing. I did unplug the unit for 24 hours to wipe the internal battery but that has had no effect.

I`ve since also found another forum where someone was complaining of exactly the same fault caused, once again, during the divide title operation.

Sounds like a hardware bug with this model.. any E85 users should beware.

I`ve contacted the seller, Digital Point, who have told me to phone Panasonic direct.

Will let everyone know what happens.

RE: My DMR E85 is Faulty...does anyone know what`s wrong?

Hi Flip,

You may recall that I bought an E85 just after you, having read your recommendations on this site. Well, yesterday, mine went exactly the same way as yours: in the middle of dividing a title it froze - I had to turn it off and now whenever I start it up it self-checks and then - nothing - just the blank display.

Would you let me know if you managed to fix yours or if you had to call an engineer out, If the latter, did you lose all the stuff on your hard drive?


RE: Sony rdr gx3 and 16:9 - Help!

When you say it`s not recording in widescreen do you mean it`s actually not recording in widescreen or it`s simply not playing back in widescreen?

I have a Panasonic E85 and, when having recorded widescreen programmes to disc, my TV does not recognise them automatically as 16:9 when I play them back. Intead, they appear as `squashed` images.

However, all I need to do is change the aspect ratio manually on the TV and this sorts it out.

RE: Panasonic DMR-E85 Editing Question


Ordered the E85 on Tuesday afternoon and received it Wednesday! Played around with it at the weekend and I seem to have caught the urge of suddenly wanting to record loads of programmes!

The machine is excellent - quite small and light and looks superb with its silver/chrome finish. The instructions, however, are a little poor and I feel would benefit from being more detailed. The best way of picking up everything (and I certainly have not covered everything yet) is just to try and do different things.

I don`t have a roof aerial so have connected my Telewest digital cable to the E85. You have to use the TV Out SCART from the cable box in order to get an RGB signal but, because the AV Out SCART from the E85 is RGB, you do not need to connect the cable box to the TV - even when the E85 is `off` the RGB signal still passes through fine.

The quality of the recordings in XP mode (1 hour per disc) is superb: I can notice no difference from the original broadcast. SP mode (2 hours) is fantastic with only very minor differences noticeable. LP mode (4 hours) is no where near as good but is certainly better than VHS. To be honest, though, if you`re looking to buy a DVD recorder I can`t understand why anyone would want to use this mode. Particularly as the 80GB hard drive can record 34 hours in SP mode.

Editing seems relatively straightforward whereby you create chapters of, say, the adverts, and then just delete those chapters. However, I hoped this would be a bit like mini-disc editing where you can see what your results would be before you confirm the edit. It probably just takes a bit of getting used to. I am certainly not at all concerned about not having RW disc compatibility, though, as the Hard Disk is superb.

Have only burnt one disc from material recorded on the hard drive and the quality seems as excellent on disc as on the machine. I haven`t quite worked out the high speed dubbing yet, though.

All in all I think it is a tremendous machine and I`m delighted I bought it. The price from DP was teriffic and the service equally so. Highly recommended. Let me know what you decide to do and how you get on.

All the best,

RE: Best and worst recordable DVD-R blanks. The ultimate list.

I`ve only ever used one brand in both my PC DVD writer and now my DVD recorder - Ritek G04 Printables - I`ve never had one coaster nor any playback problems with burnt discs. At under 50p each I think they`re tremendous value not to mention the fact that you can print quality `label` designs straight on to the discs with a compatible Epson printer (R200/300/800).

RE: Panasonic DMR-E85 Editing Question


Thanks for all your responses. I`ve taken the plunge and ordered an E85 from Digital Point (£449 for a multi-region with RCE including delivery!). Can`t wait to start playing with it!

John, I use my PC for editing DV tapes so am not fussed about the iLink port or the PC card slot but, you`re right, they (along with the massive hard drive) seem to be the only benefits of the E95.

In terms of your question regarding Cyprus compatibility I don`t think the UK model will suffice. The link below is the Panasonic UK site and that clearly states PAL I only:

If you look on the Panasonic Middle East site (which apparently covers Cyprus) they`re not currently listing the E85 as being available yet:

Hope this helps. Good luck anyway!
