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What is the best Divx dvd player?

bogstandard (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 16th May 2004, 13:17

Considering buying one - looking at either the Umax Yamada 6600 or the DK DIVX. Ideally looking for one that can play subtitles with divx. Any ideas/recommendations?

Stu 8)

RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th May 2004, 15:02

If you can wait for a couple of weeks, probably worth waiting for the next batch of DK Digital DVD-339 decks from SVP Communications (£80) as they will have the much superior Mediatek MT1389DE chipset (earlier ones had MT1389GE, generally recognised as being less brilliant). This should hopefully mean that subtitle support will be included.

Failing that, Amazon do a Medion DivX player for £50, but doesn`t support subtitles.

Both the Medion and Yamada are powered by the ESS Vibratto II chipset, I believe, which is not as good as the Mediatek processor.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

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RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

pavlovspooch (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th May 2004, 21:24

Let me see if I`ve got this right: the ESS Vibratto II chipset (as used by Medion and Yamada) is not as good as the MT1389GE (as used by DK Digital) which is about to be superceded by the MT1389DE which will be better still? Apart from the subtitles are there any other benifits to the new chipset? Do you have any links?


RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th May 2004, 23:02

Try Doom 9 for an ongoing discussion about the Mediatek players :)

The main difference twixt the GE and DE chips is that the earlier version is not actually DivX certified, despite claims to the contrary by Mediatek. The DE is and is thus better supported, firmware upgrade-wise (MediaTek are solely responsible for writing the coding for these upgrades, not the manufacturers of the players)>

And I was wrong about the Yamada 6600 - it does use the superior "DE" chipset. Apologies for any confusion...


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

Please sign up here to get the FX289 channel on NTL/Telewest for old repeats of NYPD Blue and X Files - thanks !

This item was edited on Monday, 17th May 2004, 00:04

RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

pavlovspooch (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th May 2004, 23:43

Thanks for the link I`ll look at that later.

Does that mean that the Yamada 6600 is about as good at it gets at the moment?

How mature do you think the DivX hardware player market is at the moment? I`m not keen to spend £80 then find 2 months later there are much better models on the market.

RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th May 2004, 17:57

Personally, I`d hang back until at least one manufacturer has sorted out the subtitle issue. Mediatek seem to be closest to it, but even then it`s hit and miss, I`ve heard. Once a manufacturer claims complete subtitle compatibility, that`s gonna be the time to move on it.

I also know that there may well be DivX players introduced in the near future which add a little extra, eg a Compact Flash card reader.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

Please sign up here to get the FX289 channel on NTL/Telewest for old repeats of NYPD Blue and X Files - thanks !

RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

Min (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 11:56

Hi Bogstandard.... I`ve had the Yamada 6600 for 2 weeks pleased as punch with it, plays every thing that I thrown at it, even the wife likes it after I told her I`d bought it. :D

Only complaint is that TV & Surround sound remote clash with it and makes it jump when playing to different directory or chapter.

Sound into Surround Sound is great 5.1
You can find it on the web for about £69 or Maplin for £79.99. [url][url]

It`s slim and it`s the dogs` what`s it`s.


RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 17:53

Yeah, but does it support DivX subtitles yet, that`s what we all want to know :D


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

Please sign up here to get the FX289 channel on NTL/Telewest for old repeats of NYPD Blue and X Files - thanks !

RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

bogstandard (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th May 2004, 22:57

RE: What is the best Divx dvd player?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st May 2004, 10:12

At the risk of sounding like a dumbass.........

At the mo i use subsync to combine .scr files and Divx files to watch on my pooter. How would this work on a standalone player? Would the dvd player recognise the .scr file or would it be easier to use virtual dub and vobsub to burn the subtitles directly onto the DivX file?

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