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What could this problem be?

Riverway (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 26th February 2004, 10:17

I`m having a few problems and was hoping somebody could help me out.

I`ve just bought a Toshiba 28" widescreen TV - model 28z33. Everything is fine, looks good, picture is fine from the freeview box, however...

I decided to christen it by watching Ghostbusters (PAL) and noticed that the picture looked like it was in the wrong ratio. Everything was tall and thin, so went through all the options and none seamed to make it better. Also on the special features menu the "back to main menu" or "Next" buttons were off the screen. Now I presume that these are there at the bottom of the screen, but as I couldn`t see them I`m not sure.

Next problem was with the PAL Holy Grail locations documentary on disk 2. The picture was strobing like mad and all the captions at the bottom of the screen were cut in half.

Now, I`ve got an old school Wharfdale 750 outputting RGB via a fully wired scart direct to the telly. Do you think it is a problem with the telly, baring in mind that normal tv broadcasts are fine. Is it the DVD player which is giving up the ghost, though I didn`t have any problems with my old sanyo widescreen tv, or are there known problems with these 2 disks?

Sorry it`s a long one, but it`s driving me mad and I have tried everything within my knowledge.

Cheers people...

RE: What could this problem be?

Riverway (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 16:46

Thanks for all the advise people.
You`ll be pleased to know that I`ve fixed the problem.

RE: What could this problem be?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 17:42

Nah wurries mate, happy to help


Idle Ramblings
My Collection

RE: What could this problem be?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 21:13

Er, what advice? :/

(Am I going senile, or are these threads starting to lose posts again?)


RE: What could this problem be?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 21:33

(I think he was being pseudo-sarky, he fixed the problem, but no-one else posted)


Idle Ramblings
My Collection

RE: What could this problem be?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th February 2004, 22:28

Pseudo (insert you own abusive term here) more like.

I am drunk though so ignor your peril :p

all the best,

The 42%er.

Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise to someone like me.

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