Info and forum posts by 'Riverway'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 11th November 2003, 14:10, Last used: Wednesday, 22nd June 2005, 12:55

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user:

This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Cheap accommodation in London?

The Holiday Inn near the Dome is £40 a night for a double room.

It`s about a 5 min walk to the Jubilee Line, and then about 15 / 20 mins into town.

RE: Event Horizon S.E.?????

When I was working on Resident Evil, I asked Paul Anderson about an Event Horizon Directors Cut. He said the studio had asked him to do a commentary and work on a special edition but he was too busy at that time working on Resident Evil.

That was 2 years ago and since then he`s written Res Evil 2 and made Alien vs Predator but hopefully he`s made time to work on this as well.

The company I worked for when doing Res Evil, also worked on Event Horizon and they had the first rough edit of the film which included scenes that were later cut. There is a lot more of Sam Neil chasing people around the ship once he`s been brought back and it has more of a stalk and slash feel to it. The version I saw didn`t have any sound or special effects, so it would be great to see it in a finished version.

RE: Tonights ER on e4.

That is a fantastic episode, George Clooney was excellent in this one.

Which series was the Tarantino episode in?

This item was edited on Friday, 21st May 2004, 09:27

RE: Here we go again...

Yeah I read that yesterday, very interesting.

I`ve gone for the Toshiba in the end, if I have trouble with it you can say you told me so. With any product you get a few people who have a problem with it, in this case there seem to be more good reviews than bad.


RE: Here we go again...

Oh I hate buying new kit...too many ifs and buts

Cheers for your help, but still not sure which one to get. :)

RE: Here we go again...

Cheers for that people.

The Toshiba SD330 looks good. Richer Sounds are selling it for £56.95, plus I`ve got a Toshiba TV so a bit of consistency never went a miss.

But then there is the Sharp DVL520H for £49.95 and the Pioneer DV360 for £65.95.

Anybody know what these are like?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 12th May 2004, 09:43

RE: What Films Made You Cry?

The end of Big Fish...

Here we go again...

I know this gets posted up all the time, but I`ve had a look through the old posts and none of them seem to give me a definitive answer to my problem. So sorry for going over this again, but...

I`ve currently got a Wharfdale 750, which is around 7 years old now and it`s starting to play up, the drive is getting noisy and it`s not playing some of my disks. So was thinking of buying a new player.

Eventually I want to invest in a full system, but for the moment was just thinking of getting a cheep player to pass me over.

So was looking for some advice on which player provides top quality picture and sound for under £100.

Cheers people...

RE: What could this problem be?

Thanks for all the advise people.
You`ll be pleased to know that I`ve fixed the problem.

What could this problem be?

I`m having a few problems and was hoping somebody could help me out.

I`ve just bought a Toshiba 28" widescreen TV - model 28z33. Everything is fine, looks good, picture is fine from the freeview box, however...

I decided to christen it by watching Ghostbusters (PAL) and noticed that the picture looked like it was in the wrong ratio. Everything was tall and thin, so went through all the options and none seamed to make it better. Also on the special features menu the "back to main menu" or "Next" buttons were off the screen. Now I presume that these are there at the bottom of the screen, but as I couldn`t see them I`m not sure.

Next problem was with the PAL Holy Grail locations documentary on disk 2. The picture was strobing like mad and all the captions at the bottom of the screen were cut in half.

Now, I`ve got an old school Wharfdale 750 outputting RGB via a fully wired scart direct to the telly. Do you think it is a problem with the telly, baring in mind that normal tv broadcasts are fine. Is it the DVD player which is giving up the ghost, though I didn`t have any problems with my old sanyo widescreen tv, or are there known problems with these 2 disks?

Sorry it`s a long one, but it`s driving me mad and I have tried everything within my knowledge.

Cheers people...

New Peter Kay Live

I thought there were supposed to be some extras on this disk, but can`t seem to find them. Are they hidden or couldn`t they be arsed to put any on in the end?