Info and forum posts by 'kpjuk'

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Joined on: Sunday, 25th January 2004, 19:16, Last used: Sunday, 25th January 2004, 19:16

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders


I have a Philips DVDR80, and have recorded loads of stuff. I have no problems playing these back on a Panasonic or a Compacks (£40 job from Safeway) DVD Player. I don`t do anything special once I have recorded them, so I can`t really help other than to say I don`t seem to have the same problem.


RE: Copying DVD`s

Hi Spoonthumbs,

I have just ordered the same lead from Sonel. With a bit of luck it should arrive this week, and I will give it a test drive !

It`s bizarre that the Panny doesn`t seem to output sound on the 1 Scart socket it has. If I try any of the 4 scart leads I have now, all of them fully wired, and connect them from the Panny to the TV, with nothing else connected, I still get no sound through to the TV, but vision is no problem. If I use the same leads between the Philips and the TV then I do get sound. I guess this proves the leads are ok, and the issue lies with the Panny.

I did get a digital optical cable to get the Philips sound through the Panny HT, and this works really well.

I have also looked at the setup, but there doesn`t seem to be any config for setting audio output on the Panny.

The final solution might be to invest in a Scart switch, and use the RCA to Scart adapter
to link the Gigibox, the DVD and the Video to the Philips via the EXT2 Scart. It all makes my head hurt !

I might post another question on sound output via Scart for the Panny, or even pose the question directly to Panasonic, as this would make the overall solution a lot neater.

I have had absolutely no problems with the Philips so far, and the kids seem to find it dead easy to use. The Guide + is useful too for recording when were out. Any suggestions on were to get reasonably priced +RW`s I bought 25 from PC World at Xmas for just over a £1 each, but can`t seem to match this price any more ! Should have bought more, but I was feeling a little guilty over buying the Philips and the Panny!

RE: Copying DVD`s

Success at last. RTFM does work !

What I have had to do is to connect the 3 RCA connectors from the Panny, to the front of the Philips, and record through the CAM1 connect. The manual identifies this as audio/visual input. All the other connectors at the back are Audio/Output, which is probably why they didn`t work.

Guys, now I am armed with a little bit of information, I could be dangerous !

I am still surprised that the panny doesn`t seem to output sound via the scart, but at least I have a way forward.

Hey Spoonthumbs, if you get a chance to review that Sonel lead I would appreciate the feedback. If this could get me the sound via the scart, that would save having an unsightly lead hanging out of the front of the Philips.

A big thank you from me for all your suggestions Phelings, Snafu and especially Spoonthumbs, it is always daunting trying to get what you want without having the technical knowledge to get there on your own.

Cheers guys

RE: Copying DVD`s

Hi Spoonthumbs,

Been working in London all week, so I have only just managed to do as you suggested. The setup you suggested works well. Just to recap......

I can record from Sky (Guide + is brilliant !)
Ican record from Video
but, when I play a DVD in the Panny, I can only record the vision not the sound.

I took out all the leads, and kept it simple... Scart from Panny to EXT2 on Philips, Scart from EXT1 on Philips to TV.

Same results, vision records perfrectly, but sound is not happening ! During the recording, the sound is coming from the Panny Home Theatre, but (the point I failed to spot earlier) no sound from the TV. I normally have the sound on the TV turned down to zero. It would suggest therefore that their is omething on the Panasonic that needs to be configured doesn`t it ? I need to get a decent audio out leads, and try and connect the line out of the Panny to the Philips, to see if that gets me sound through the Philips to the TV. I could also try and connect these to the TV direct to see if that will work.

I feel a trip to Comet coming on, give me something to do while her in doors looks for tiles and wallpaper over the road in Homebase.

Ho hum...

Any news on the Sonel leads? Just wondering if this may be the solution to my problem.

cheers KPJUK

RE: Copying DVD`s

Thanks Spoonthumbs,

Thanks for the advice. This seems the right configuration, but.........

The Philips can now record from sky, and plays back the sound through the HC. I can play bought DVD`s on the HC with sound, or the Philips with sound through the HC, but I can still only record vision without sound from the Panny playing a DVD to the Philips recording the DVD. The sound is certainly audible though during the recording, it just ain`t being recorded !

I have read about macrovision in other parts of the forum, could this be the fault ? The cabling although cheap and nasty does work, but still no sound recording. The only other thing I have seen talks about pin 8 needing to be disabled.......... but this didn`t seem to be related to this problem.

The picture is back up to scratch now though, so thanks for that.

Any other ideas to try out ?

At least I am in two steps forward mode, and this seems a good base to start from. I think I will invest in a couple of decent scarts and a digital audio cable tomorrow. Is it worth going for an optical cable ?


RE: Copying DVD`s

Thanks Spoonthumbs,

I have only connected the video to the TV, as I want the sound to go via the Home Theatre. If I play a DVD in either player, the sound comes via the Home Theatre, but if I record a DVD on the Philips, which is playing on the Panasonic Home theatre, the picture is fine, but no sound is recorded. While I am recording the DVD, the sound is playing through the home theatre fine. Bizarre !

I am sure I have a connection wrong somewhere, just can`t see where.

I have done a better description at to try and show how it is set up currently. I am sorry I am so inarticulate in describing this !
Thanks for the help guys


RE: Copying DVD`s

Thanks Snafu, the DVD`s I am trying to copy are ones that I have already recorded off TV. I am recording Vision but not sound.

Phelings, are scart connections bi-directional? By this I mean that I have connected the components up like so

Pace (TV) ------ Philips DVDR80 (EXT2)
Philips DVDR80 (EXT1) ------ Panasonic Home Theatre
Video phono to Scart lead from Philips to TV.

I set it up like this so it would be easy for the kids, ie whatever they see on the TV is what is being recorded. The scart leads I have used came with the kit, which reading other posts on the boards is probably not the best approach. I am happy to invest in better leads, but want to prove that it will work first.

The kids recorded Charmed, from Living TV, and want to put them in series sequence on other DVD`s, which is why I need to copy the copy so to speak. The recorded DVD plays fine in either DVD machine, but the sound plays from the panny during the copy process, but isn`t on the finished "new" copy......

I have read about sonel and lektronics leads and boxes, will these cure the problem, or perhaps just decent scart leads ?

Also connecting the components as above means that I have a video phono to scart connection now, and the quality of the TV picture has dropped. Would an s-video to scart lead (if one exists) give better quality vision ?

Sorry lots of questions, but I am still learning !

Thanks for the advice.


Copying DVD`s

Hi all,
I have just bought a Philips DVDR80 to replace my VHS recorder which died a death over Xmas. I also have a panasonic SC HT900 Home Theatre, which I have connected it to. I can now record from Sky no problem, and playback the recordings through the Home Theatre. My problem is that if I copy a DVD from the Panny to the Philips, I get vision, but no sound. Is this a feature of DVD to DVD copying, or are my connections not quite right? The DVD`s I have tried to copy so far have been recorded from the TV.
Any help gratefully received.

Frustrated from Midlands !