Page 1 of SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

Hardware Forum

SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

Soyale (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 12:10

I`ve noticed a lot of people having picture problems downgrade before upgrading to new firmware and this fixing problems with various discs.

Now, I`m technically minded and for me there has to be a reason for this and I think I have an idea.

I think some of the firmware upgrades reset secret settings and 1.80 is an example of this. When I upgraded to 1.80 I set the RF Out mode to on. Later on I bought some discs like Spinal Tap special edition which had strange drop outs in the sound, at first I thought it was the player or the downmixing or something and just put up with it. When I upgraded to 2.1x (can`t remember which one) the sound was suddenyl restored to its former glory. I was needless to say very pleased but wondered what had happened. Turns out that it was the RF Mode that was causing the dropouts, if I put that mode back on the RF Mode setting the sound dropouts come back.

I think the firware upgrade reset this setting.

Now, what has this got to do with picture blockiness etc. To be honest I`m not terribly observant and haven`t noticed any picture degradation after any of the upgrades in either sharpness or pixellation. My theory is that some of the hidden picture settings i.e. dither or hi-res might affect this problem. Downgrading to 1.80 sets these to a good setting and then upgrading back to 2.14 leaves them alone and hence appears to cure picture problems.

So, if there are people having picture problems out there, try setting the hidden picture options to something like Dither = Off, Picture Mode=Hi res. If you don`t know how to set these, look at NiVZs FAQ (

Post feedback, does any combination of these settings cure the problems you`ve seen in certain discs?

Good luck.


RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

hazard (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 14:06

I`ve been wondering about these picture problems too. I thought the player just delivered an MPEG stream off the DVD to a hardware decoder chip which generated the pictures. How does the firmware version affect this process?

This item was edited on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 14:07

RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

NiVZ (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 14:10

I haven`t got any idea how it all works either, but a firmware upgrade sorted out the blue shadow distortion which was present on some v2.06 and v2.08 machines.


RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

Soyale (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 18:28

Hasn`t anyone played with the hidden picture settings to see if the shadow problem comes back in a certain combination? That would confirm or refute my theory about the FW

RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

Soyale (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 18:30

The firmware appears to be able to control the decoder chip and make alterations to the picture i.e the sharpness as it decompresses the MPEG stream.

RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

xeno (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th February 2001, 18:38

I am convinced that firmware upgrades do affect the mpeg playback as i am now on my 5th scan and i have upgraded all of them at one point with the exception on 1(V.1.03).

I have noticed an increase in quality loss on background images(alot of movement)after applying upgrades and a slight loss in sharpness.

The blue shadowing was seen on every scan i have seen.This includes v1.03,1.92,1.93,2.04,2.08s-it was cleaned up on v.2.11 but did still happen occasionally(robbie williams- where egos dare, jaws).The only thing that has stopped me upgrading to 2.14 is the quality loss issue.

On my last scan i downgraded to 1.80 and back up to 2.08s and it made feck all difference-and we dont need to be reminded of the 2.13 install!!

In my opinion upgrades do result in a slight quality loss and they could easily affect the mpeg playback if mpeg settings or changes where included in the firmware( shadowing)

I am currently biding my time untill i have to tape a dvd and then i will have to upgrade.

I hope nelley can look into this and perhaps in the future release a firmware version that restores the sc2000 to its former glory (ncluding all the bug fixes).

Nivz could you send me the official versions of 1.80 and 2.14 please.


ps dont ever buy gremlins on dvd -the quality is bollocks.(quite concerned about warner brothers releases of old films)

RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

Le Borne (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 12:11

Your 5th Scan? Christ you must be a glutton for punishment.

Either that or an idiot.

Hope this helps!

RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

xeno (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 14:33

Le borne or is that le boner??

My situation with scan has been unique hence the number of machines i have had.

This forum is used generally by people who want to learn more about various players etc.It is unfortunate that people like, you who have nothing constructive to say,insist in commenting on threads that dont concern you.

Instead of making personal comments why not try adding something of use.

The scan sc2000 is a great machine -if suffering a few probs to get a great machine makes me an idiot -so be it.

What machine do you have boner?


RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

Gamesmaster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th February 2001, 17:24

makes me laugh you know, you get a sensible forum, with all sorts of people all trying to help each other out, and in the case of this forum and string, trying to get the best out of their machines, when what happens???
some lame *~@hole sticks his nose in where it aint wanted, nor needed!!

RE: SC2000 - picture problems, firmware downgrades - solution and explanation?

_007 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 17th February 2001, 16:25

>What machine do you have boner?

He`ll probably claim to have some super-doper brand player, but just ignore him, with the money he gets for being his mums pimp it won`t be until DVD are phased out before he can even afford a VHS player!


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