Page 1 of Black & white picture for Region 1 disks on my Sony DVPNS330....NEED HELP!!!!

Hardware Forum

Black & white picture for Region 1 disks on my Sony DVPNS330....NEED HELP!!!!

Tired (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 12:38

I received a Sony DVPNS330 Mulit-region player & when I try to play region 1 disks the picture is black & white. On both my TVs (Mitshibishi CT-2IMIBM & Sony Trinitron KV-14TIV) I dont think I can change to the RGB or NTSC format.
I also tried it on another TV. A Bush DV3. Again the Region 1 disks wont play in colour.
Please can you provide me with any information on how & if I can change my Tv`s (or DVD player) so that they will play the Region 1 disks in colour like the Region 2 disks do.
Please can someone help me. Im going insane!!

RE: Black & white picture for Region 1 disks on my Sony DVPNS330....NEED HELP!!!!

rainbow6 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 13:24

I`m sorry - I don`t know the TV`s you mention. Are they NTSC compatible? Because if not, then you`ll get Black and White, especially if you`re not using a fully wired SCART to connect your DVD and TV. My advice, which worked for me on my in-law`s TV (not NTSC compat.), is to use a fully wired scart cable and send the RGB signal from the DVD into the RGB scart slot of the TV. That usually cures the problems. Make sure the DVD is sending RGB and not video quality picture, though I`m not sure if that`s important or not. AFAIK, the Scart`s the important part. Your DVD player should have a setup feature in which it changes between `Video` and `RBG` quality, though.
Hope this helps - someone can correct me if I`m wrong.

This item was edited on Friday, 21st November 2003, 13:25

RE: Black & white picture for Region 1 disks on my Sony DVPNS330....NEED HELP!!!!

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 17:00

In addition to posting in three different forums in a clear contravention of both Forum Rules, and common sense, did you even remotely consider searching for "black and white" in the `Search for` box at the top ? You`ll find discussion of several reasons why you might be experiencing this problem, and perhaps not antagonise the locals with such a ripe old chestnut of a question...

I have deleted the other two threads.

Forum Moderator
DVD Reviewer

This item was edited on Friday, 21st November 2003, 17:00

RE: Black & white picture for Region 1 disks on my Sony DVPNS330....NEED HELP!!!!

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 17:14

Deja vu..


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