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Whats wrong with this picture.................

ancientmariner (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 13:47

Hi all,

Ok heres the problem, I have a philips 32" widescreen and up to now have been using my Scan sc2000 for dvd playback without a hitch, I recently bought my dad a Dansai 952 as he needed vcd playback and obviously when i got it home I wanted to test it before I gave it as a present.

Plugged Dvd palyer in and noticed immediatly it needed to be switched to RGB out. Went into the options and selected rgb mode and it switched over- problem was the picture became very dark and it was so bad that brightness and contrast didn`t help-in fact only made the picture worse. My mate has a 32" philips -similar to mine and we tested it on his-no probs at all. So I started to poke around on the net to see if I could find any other similar compaints and could only find one or two which detailed a similar problem but could offer no explanation.

This darkness problem does not occur with sky set to rgb, or my gamecube or ps2- thwe only time this occurs is when a dvd player is set to rgb out mode. So to confuse me even more I cant understand how the scan player has no probs in rgb mode with my tv.

I put it down to incompatibility with that dansai player as my mates Dansai 852 worked on my tv without a problem. So the other day I decided to buy another player as I wanted to put the scan in the bedroom. I bouth the Toshiba sd330 e after upteen good reviews on this player- it arrived yesaterday and guess what--same darkness problem when set to rgb on the philips 32". The Toshiba works on my mitsubishi portable without a hitch so again it is a problem with the rgb mode on my tv.

Does anyone know of this problem and ways to fix it or can offer any advice.

Amate of mine suggested removing scart pins on scart lead one at a time to see if that worked as a workaround but Im not convinced

Any help appreciated


only settle for metal

RE: Whats wrong with this picture.................

uncle buck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 16:54

I personally can't offer any advice regarding your problem but I may know some people that can help. ;)

Try posting your problem over at AV forums

AV forums concentrates on all aspects of AV performance & you should find some1 that can help you or at least offer you an explanation as to why this happens.

I have the same problem with my Toshiba 25 inch TV & a Pioneer Ondigital STB.
If I switch the output of the Pioneer to RGB the picture is very dark so I have to leave it on composite.
I have just recently bought a Lenoxx Sound home cinema system & this is the same also, however switching the output to Svideo in the Lenoxx's menu lightens the picture.

It's all above me I'm afraid. :o

Good luck in finding a solution.


RE: Whats wrong with this picture.................

joe cool (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 22:59

what model philips tv is it, i have a philips 32pw6006 with a dark rgb problem as do a few others (had for a year and a half), (as uncle buck says search for mine and other posts on the problem) on mine the only items that worked via rgb are my philips digiboxes. unlike yours my ps2 also has the dark rgb problem. as far as i know there is no cure. my current digibox is a philips dtr1500 freeview box(which is fine via rgb) which has rgb passthrough via the second scart and if i connect the items that are dark via the digibox the dark problem disappears. :/ items i have connected direct to tv that are too dark [sony ps2] [sony dvp-ns305 dvd player] [venturer dvd player] samsung dvd player "forgotten the model think it was an s224" its a very strange problem. :/

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 00:04

RE: Whats wrong with this picture.................

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 12:00

I got a old Panasonic and the RGB is just to dark,so I use composite picture is still very good and only ever think about it when see threads like this. :) :)


RE: Whats wrong with this picture.................

uncle buck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 19:23

Further to my earlier post I have been messing around with the connections to my TV.

As I pointed out earlier if I connect either the Pioneer Ondigital box or the Lenoxx Sound system to my TV the picture is very dark. However I noticed that if I placed the scart from either of these into the AV2 socket of the TV the picture is great & not dar any more. :/

Just thought I would let you know so you could try this on your TV`s.


RE: Whats wrong with this picture.................

ancientmariner (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 19:54

Thanks for the reply but as I understand it our Tv`s only have one rgb av. Mine has no svhs as it is an imported set but of the two scarts only 1 is rgb, using the other av kinda defeats the purpose as it is not an rgb signal.

only settle for metal

RE: Whats wrong with this picture.................

phelings (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 21:42

If either of your RGB devices have 2 Scarts then you can loop the other device through the second Scart and the main device output will carry RGB for both devices.
All connections should go directly to the tv if possible and not go through an amp or any other switching system

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th October 2003, 22:45

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