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problems transferring vhs to dvd

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th October 2003, 20:24

i have a sony rdrgx3 dvd recorder and when i try to copy some vhs tapes to dvd i get a series of beeps and a message appears on the screen saying cannot record this signal.
i thought this would just happen with rental videos as the anticopying device in the recorder would just kick in and stop me copying them.some of my tapes have been copied using an anticopying device but even these wont record on the sony.i even tried playing the tapes back through the anti copy device and then into the dvd recorder
but still no luck does any one know of a solution to this problem.
ps i have tried other anticopying devices such as the scart lead with the device built into the lead and other devices that work perfectly between two video machines but dont work with this dvd recorder.
any help very appreciated

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

John72 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 4th October 2003, 20:56

There is 3 diffrent types of copyprotection used today.

CSS = Used to encrypt a DVD disk to stop digital to digital copying.

Macrovision = Used to stop analog to analog coying (or DVD to VHS via Scart) not sure if this one affects DVD recorders though.

CGMS/A <--(hope I got that right!) = Used to stop analog to digital copying.

Now the reason your anticopying device is not working is because it only deals with the Macrovision and leaving the CGMS/A signals untouched. It is the CGMS/A that is stopping the copying. I would suggest that you search those forums as it has come up before and others have recommened different devices.

Hope this helps...

Regards, John72.

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

phelings (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 5th October 2003, 21:59

I would go for a KT Vision Smart Scart that removes all copy protection.However it sounds as if he already has a similar device.Also,I think the original problem is not with encoded vhs but normal tapes.
I only know the fix with a Panasonic,but Sony may be the same.You may find that the Scart input you are using is switchable between Video(composite),S-video and RGB.If you normally have Sky going in,it should be set to RGB.But a vhs would give problems unless the input is set to Video.
Don`t forget to change it back again after.Please let us know if this works

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 13:19

thanks for the advice i had already set my scart input to video as when i got the machine the scart input was set to decoder and when i connected my video to this socket i couldnt get a picture until i reset the scart input to would appear the only solution is to purchase some kind of device to remove all of the macrovision signals. i have seen one that claims to do this (dont they all )it is called a clarifier and claims to remove color striping etc,does anyone have any knowledge of this device as i dont want to spend about $90 and find it doesent work.
many nthanks for all the help.

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

phelings (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 20:09

I cannot be 100% sure,but I do not think the problems are anything to do with copy protection of any kind.Please confirm whether you have managed to get a picture from any non commercial tapes,like your home recorded ones

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th October 2003, 21:10

the problem is definitely copy protection as i transferred several of my home recorded tapes no problem.and i have transferred stuff from camcorder to dvd no problem.if i try to transfer a rental video i get the error message. tv films and programs that i had on tape transferred okay.films that i had already copied using an anti copying device wont transfer as i think not all of the anti copying signals were removed by the previous device.
i agree with the statement that was made earlier in this discussion that there are several types of copy protection now being used and the device that i used to remove it worked fine for copying vhs to vhs but not vhs to dvd. i hooked up my dvd player to the sony and tried to copy a dvd as an experiment but i got the error message immediately,but a copied dvd transferred over no problem . so it would appear that a lot of my vhs tapes still have a copy protection system of some kind on them.
.see this link for anti copying device

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th October 2003, 22:25

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th October 2003, 22:11

You gave the impression it was not just rental tapes.
A KT VISION Smart Scart will remove all Macrovision and CGMS.As it works fine on DVD-DVD,I think VHS would be a

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th October 2003, 23:12

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

fcmcd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th October 2003, 14:11

sorry if i gave the impression it was all tapes i will give the smart scart a look
thanks for all the help

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

davelym (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 24th October 2004, 12:31

Hi, Could you tell me what kind of machine is the rdrgx3? any info as much as poss appreciated, editing scarts sockets etc etc, I was also looking at the lite on 5005 but the sony is only 60quid dearer..........Cheers

RE: problems transferring vhs to dvd

EmilyHoward (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th October 2004, 00:55

i have a sony rdrgx3 dvd recorder and when i try to copy some vhs tapes to dvd i get a series of beeps and a message appears on the screen saying cannot record this signal.
i thought this would just happen with rental videos as the anticopying device in the recorder would just kick in and stop me copying them.some of my tapes have been copied using an anticopying device but even these wont record on the sony..

In my -rather limited-experience of trying to copy protected video to either VHS or DVD, it doesn`t matter if it`s off an original or a copy made via some kind of copy beating device-you still won`t be able to copy it.

I`ve got a music video that I want to back up as it`s getting quite old now-it`s not an original, it`s a copy, because the original was already out of print when I wanted to buy. I`d tried to back it up to DVD-R and all I got was the copy protection kicking in. I have now managed to do it via my Auvion Hard Disc recorder, and from there to my PC for authoring and burning, which seems to be able to beat the protection

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