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Recording Sky Boxoffice?

Sammy Valtino (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 17:45

Does anyone know how to record Movies of Sky Boxoffice? I heard there was a external Mod that connected to your VCR to allow you to do this. Anyone got any info?

RE: Recording Sky Boxoffice?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 18:13

I think they are Macrovision encoded, so you`d need something to filter that out I guess. Search on this forum for Macrovision and it should turn up a few things.

RE: Recording Sky Boxoffice?

DaveyG (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2001, 21:27

Play it again Sam !

Buy a Copy Mate Video Enhancer from

Removes macrovision from Sky Box office and most DVD players if you can`t remove it through hacks...

RE: Recording Sky Boxoffice?

Jonezy (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 07:01

I heard (somewhere) that if you run your Digibox into your VCR, then that VCR into a second VCR, you can record fine on the second VCR. Of course, I haven`t tried it but if it works it should also work for DVD.

RE: Recording Sky Boxoffice?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2001, 13:31

Doubt that would work, Macrovision tends to screw up your picture even if you just pipe it through your VCR to your telly. Thats a major legitimate reason why some people want to disable it on their player, since they only have one SCART socket on their TV they can only route it through their VCR.

RE: Recording Sky Boxoffice?

mickymcd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th January 2001, 18:36

ive got a lead scart to scart all you do is plug it between vcr to digibox and it has a little connector on the side plug in a 9v dc power supply and hey no macro this lead also works on dvd vhs to vhs ppv etc try they cost £24.99 but you dont get the psu u can pick them up for about £4

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