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In-car DVD player?

Mog100 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th July 2003, 15:26

Can anyone help?

I`m looking for an in-car DVD player to keep the kids amused on a trip to France. I`ve looked at the Centurion PP56DVD package which is on offer at the local Vauxhall dealer for £250. Is this any good? Are there any others I should look at?

Another option I had thought about was whether a Playstation 2 would be a better option IF it could be run from off 12 volts, I`m not very up on this sort of thing? All help very much appreciated.

RE: In-car DVD player?

Paddy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 15th July 2003, 21:52

have a look in Maplins.
they had a dvd player and little tv for £300 a few weeks back.

RE: In-car DVD player?

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 05:59

Have a look at this
this one
Check this out
see here
This is the one I`d go for if I could afford it

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 07:21

RE: In-car DVD player?

The Client (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 16th July 2003, 08:57

The best option is to use a Playstation 2. Then as well as being able to watch movies your kids can also play games. I have fitted a PS2 under the front passenger seat, and connected it to a PS1 5.6 TFT screen. (Cost about £90) All you then need is a 240v inverter and you can pick them up from ebay for about £15. The screen simply attaches to the back of the headrest with a velcro loop ,and it can then be easily removed and hidden from view when I leave the car.

Long journeys have suddenly become very easy !

RE: In-car DVD player?

Mog100 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd July 2003, 22:12

That sounds like a good option.

I see Maplins has just reduced a 150W DC-AC invertor from £50 to £20 - I`ll ring them tomorrow to see if it is suitable?

I also see DABS have a 7.2 STN colour screen for the PS2 at £80, I presume this would be OK. Does anyone have one? Are they any good? The picture shows the screen attached to the PS2 but I presume it can be attached to a headrest instead?

RE: In-car DVD player?

Mog100 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th August 2003, 20:50

Quick update - I eventually bought a Joytech TFT screen from DABS for £80 that fits straight onto the back of a PS2, then the 150W invertor from Maplins for £20 & plugged it into the cigarette lighter - works fine & all for about £100. Thanks for the tip.

RE: In-car DVD player?

SchizoidMan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th August 2003, 15:48

Out of interest - can you use this screen when not attached directly to the PS2? i.e. can you have the PS2 under the seat and the screen on the headrest?

My last couple of trips to France have involved rigging up 15" TFT`s on the back of a headrest and running them from a laptop. Seems the PS2 would make a better kids package all round.

RE: In-car DVD player?

elephant (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th August 2003, 19:24

Hi folks,Just make sure u get the 7 inch Joytech screen and not the vastly inferior 5.6 inch model.

RE: In-car DVD player?

DavoTheMainMan (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th August 2003, 21:02

Who sells the Joytech screen and can it be used with a PS2 and/or XBox, with maybe some modification.

If only everything was half price at Woolies !

RE: In-car DVD player?

Mog100 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2003, 14:44

The screen only works connected directly to the back of the PS2 (looks a bit like a bulky laptop) though you may be able to obtain an extension lead to enable this.

The 7.2" & the 5.6" screens are available from DABS, however I ordered the 7.2" version but have received the 5.6" version in error. Am trying to get this sorted out before I go to France on Friday.

I think Joytech also make a similar screen for the x-box, try Argos.

This item was edited on Monday, 11th August 2003, 22:28

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