Info and forum posts by 'Mog100'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 30th November 2002, 21:14, Last used: Sunday, 3rd June 2007, 20:27

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Heads-up! NEC 2510 dual-layer burner out next month £69.99 from SVP

So what will the DL device do that the SL one won`t?

I also see its now back up to £59.99 at Big Pockets!

RE: Heads-up! NEC 2510 dual-layer burner out next month £69.99 from SVP

Exscuse my ignorance here but can someone point me in the right direction? All I want to do is save some DV movies onto DVD, I`ve seen this (NEC ND2500):

at Big Pockets.

Seems good value at £49.99 incl. VAT and P&P. Is this the one for me or should I wait for this new DL burner?

Many thanks.

RE: Canon digi cam

This seems like a good deal. My only concern is the shutter delay, which seems excessive. Does anyone have any experience of this in use, does it cause a problem?

Best value Gameboy SP bundle.

Christmas is coming & I need to know where to get the best value Gameboy SP bundle from.

Any suggestions?


RE: In-car DVD player?

The screen only works connected directly to the back of the PS2 (looks a bit like a bulky laptop) though you may be able to obtain an extension lead to enable this.

The 7.2" & the 5.6" screens are available from DABS, however I ordered the 7.2" version but have received the 5.6" version in error. Am trying to get this sorted out before I go to France on Friday.

I think Joytech also make a similar screen for the x-box, try Argos.

This item was edited on Monday, 11th August 2003, 22:28

RE: In-car DVD player?

Quick update - I eventually bought a Joytech TFT screen from DABS for £80 that fits straight onto the back of a PS2, then the 150W invertor from Maplins for £20 & plugged it into the cigarette lighter - works fine & all for about £100. Thanks for the tip.

RE: Can a playstation be found for less than 130 quid?

Yep, this is possible. I bought a PS2 for my son from Boots in Cardiff last week for £127(they had 6 left). I asked the sales assistant why they were reduced & he said they were having a clearout of old stock & they were left over from last Christmas.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th August 2003, 22:01

RE: In-car DVD player?

That sounds like a good option.

I see Maplins has just reduced a 150W DC-AC invertor from £50 to £20 - I`ll ring them tomorrow to see if it is suitable?

I also see DABS have a 7.2 STN colour screen for the PS2 at £80, I presume this would be OK. Does anyone have one? Are they any good? The picture shows the screen attached to the PS2 but I presume it can be attached to a headrest instead?

In-car DVD player?

Can anyone help?

I`m looking for an in-car DVD player to keep the kids amused on a trip to France. I`ve looked at the Centurion PP56DVD package which is on offer at the local Vauxhall dealer for £250. Is this any good? Are there any others I should look at?

Another option I had thought about was whether a Playstation 2 would be a better option IF it could be run from off 12 volts, I`m not very up on this sort of thing? All help very much appreciated.

£30 off Gamecube if you buy a GBA SP

Just spotted this, maybe worth a go combined with the Gamecube offer from Argos?

Buy a GameBoy SP for £92.99 from Special Reserve ( and you get a £30 voucher to redeem off the Gamecube.

RE: Harry Potter £9.99 at Play

Hi, I can`t find this. Is it on Could anyone post the link please?