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Hardware Forum

cyber home 400

jmac (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 12th July 2003, 18:48

I am so pleased weith this unit for the price i paid , £49.99 with warranty.It plays anything and everything i have tried,
Having been a total devotee to philips for so long i was getting a little tunnel vision, But i needed a second player for the spare bedroom and someone suggested this little beauty. Its fantastic, Multiregion hack was i piece of p***, the manufacturers basically tell you how to in the manual..picture and sound are good quality.
Here is my little dilema , i need find out how to switch off the macro..????????????
Please can anyone tell me, this would make this the best budget player in the world. .
Ta very much

This item was edited on Saturday, 12th July 2003, 19:49

RE: cyber home 400

Will K (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 12th July 2003, 21:20

I`ve heard so much praise for this player so I ordered one from the WHSmith site and had it delivered to a local store for free, it should be there Monday or Tuesday. I`m looking forward to testing it out. Sorry I don`t know about the macrovision, I still don`t really understand what it does.

This item was edited on Saturday, 12th July 2003, 22:23

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