Page 1 of The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

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The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 18:40

Firmware version 3.3e is now available from Encore (for details see, ahem, and I am reliably informed by Wired that the pulsing has VANISHED !!! (on The Matrix and Magnolia at least).

Excellent news....

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

bedlam (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 20:27

Pulsing !!
Me thinks that thee are a few peeps on here taking illegal stuff, i ain`t ever seen Pulsing on a film
and now have the new firmware on the player and it still seems the same as before GOOD!!

k come on Dukey what you got to say
and your new cohort movie-slubber.

SHERCORE RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

smiffy (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 20:44

why do you try and upgrade these p***hy encores why dont you go for a
good dvd player lets see a aiwa370 there you are now you know what i have
and also a very good sherwood s/sound set up

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 22:46

Consider yourself one of the lucky ones who`s got the Aiwa,mate, cos most people who haven`t bought a player and who want one are probably more deserving of it than your good self.

If you`re not interested in my threads about the 450 why do you feel obliged to consistently `undermine` my helpful advice with snide comments ?

If you`ve got nothing useful to say, stay off the Encore threads or I`ll be obliged to snitch on you, which I really don`t want to have to do - okay ? Got the message yet ?

(Thanks for typing in lower case by the way, Smiffy, much easier on the eye, mate !)

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 00:28

Now thats what I call a right hook smithy!

The encore is reeling!
Who wants to knock it the f*ck out?
Ah Movie Lover step this way sir:-)

Bedlam I thought pulsing was do to hardware problems, so I dont think it can fix that, but firmware ie drivers can reduce pixelation.

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 19:22

Apparently the firmware DOES reduce the pulsing considerably (only a very very faint flicker left apparently).

Bedlam couldn`t possibly comment because his never pulsed in the first place (neither does mine, actually !)

I know that on some films (and Movie Lover had some classic strobe effects with The Exorcist by all accounts) there have been pulsing problems, but `my source` informs me that this firmware does the biz (tho not entirely)

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

Movie-Lover (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 19:33

It was not only the Exorcist that did it but All DVD`s that I tried.

The Exorcist was the worst by far but films that have lots of bright scenes
in it were better,until the scene changed to dark or low light.

It has been said before by Ironduke and I agree it is the ESS chipset.

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

bedlam (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 21:05

i wonder why it could be the ESS chipset, it`s the same chipset thats in mine, and Clatys has the same chipset in his player but films in our players don`t pulse, or are we the lucky one`s m8 :-).
how many encore owners on this site suffer from pulsing on films ??.

Although i must say I do not think the new firmware is RIGHT yet, as i have explained on the encore forum i just had the first prob with my player today (No I ain`t going to get a hitachi Dukey even though i got one of there widescreens :-) ).

and Movie-Lover you deff got a couple of duff players m8 or your drinking to much when the films are on.


(at least it better tonight as i got a dvd to watch bitch :-)

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

smiffy (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 21:47

ok ok come on clayts tell us who is the man you know in ENCORE dont tell us it
is TYRONE dont believe every thing he tells you or is it MARK come on you can
tell us who it is

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 21:48

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th January 2001, 23:22

If you went to my website you`d know, smugboy!

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