Info and forum posts by 'Movie-Lover'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 21:57, Last used: Wednesday, 20th December 2000, 21:57

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Just starting the DVD craze.
Have Encore DV 450 ( going back though )
What Toshiba SD 100 E and
Sony HTK 215 home theatre kit.

This user has posted a total of 39 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: I can not fault the TOSHIBA SD 100 can you?

Hang ups I tell you,hang ups.cinema-moron has some really bad
issues and needs to deal with them.

Anyway,back to the question in hand.not yet has there been a reply
for a trouble disk for the Toshiba.
Thats why I bought it,You never hear about Toshiba on this forum,that
has to tell you something.

RE: I can not fault the TOSHIBA SD 100 can you?

I have no thoughts on the Encore, I went through therapy to forget them.

RE: I can not fault the TOSHIBA SD 100 can you?

HI Ironduke, I knew somehow that you would be the first to reply,thanks.
I liked your machine gun reply to the cinemanomore thread by the way.

I have heard of the RCE problem before on the Toshiba but I thought
that the Region 2 version of the Patroit would play fine.Only if you
hacked the player to Region bypass would you have a problem.

If a unhacked player will not play the Patriot Region 2 then I hope to
get a firmware disk from Toshiba very soon.

I know somebody with the Patriot DVD and I will borrow it to see.

I can not fault the TOSHIBA SD 100 can you?

Every disk that I have tried on the Toshiba 100 has worked perfect,
no picture or sound problems and there has been no problems with
loading or menus.

Anyone know of any disk that causes trouble for the Toshiba.

There were loads of disks on the Encore 450 that I had.


I would by a top brand player if i were you.
Speaking from experience go for a Toshiba,Poineer,Panasonic ETC.
I tried one of those "other " brand makes and sent them back and got a
Toshiba for £179.

RE: What player do you have, so I can work out the which players have sold the most.


FAB picture
Miles better than the Encore 450 I had.


Yes thanx the new Tosh is great,got it for £179 in the end. the difference
from the 450 is huge and I am well happy.
I reallly hope the pulsing issue turns out to be a very small one.


NO NO I can not do it.
over on the area 450 forum the pulsing thread is getting bigger every day.
Only Clayts and Bedlam don`t have the problem.Looks like I was right
after all.


I can only apologize again Ironduke, sorry, but I think there is a growing
number of people who`s Encore 450 players are pulsing.

OOPS I should not do that as I do not own one any more.

My new Tosh has no pulsing on any DVD I have tried,42 tried so far.


I am leaving to rest the 450 now and not going to slag it off no more.
Sorry to disapoint you Ironduke but I am putting a bad experience
behind me now that my Toshiba 100E is better than I had hoped for.

A BIG THANKS to you Ironduke for your info on the ESS chipset and
a small one to Clatys for his replies and loving so much for the 450
which is so big that he must be on the Encore payroll.

Final thought, The 450 was good until it won those awards,which I know
took Encore from producing 400 to 6000 a month.I think quality of these
rushed players have suffered.

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th January 2001, 22:44

RE: The pulse that stopped - Encore 450 firmware upgrade

It was not only the Exorcist that did it but All DVD`s that I tried.

The Exorcist was the worst by far but films that have lots of bright scenes
in it were better,until the scene changed to dark or low light.

It has been said before by Ironduke and I agree it is the ESS chipset.

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

Sorry Ironduke,but you are going to wait a little longer for the Encore shop of horrors story.
I am currently testing My Toshiba player disc by disc I when I have done this I will give a before and after report ( looks good from the Tosh so far )
compared to the Encore.
I will then give my full story and thoughts to all in a new thread.

Untill then I am just enjoying the fun from the replies.Not what the forum
should be about but you cannot say anything good or bad on this forum
without someone saying mine is better than yours.

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

To Bedlam, I am going easy on you and the rest of the Encore fanclub.
I have only told you a fraction of the full story about my ownership of the
450 and lets just say I have gone easy so far.

When I fully let go ( if forced ) you too will send yours back with the shame of it.

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

Just in case you missed it cinemamoran I bought The 450 , it would not
load any DVD untill about 12 tries.
Also picture quality was very bad.I then had 2 nd player sent as replacement loaded DVD`s fine but picture quality was again crap.
told Encore problem said they would send firmware disk in 2 weeks.
8 weeks later no disk and did not when it would be.

Thats why I slate the Encore.I would not do so if I was happy with the player.

I`ve know got toshiba SD 100 E, and it is brilliant compared to the Encore

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

From what I had heard Encore have to be good because so many of their
players have bread put into them.

Jam on toast anyone.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th January 2001, 18:30

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

now I get it.

So when I buy my Toshiba SD100 E for £179 I can do it to.

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

Can you please explain this :P that you use?

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

Ashamed no way!

Feeling a bit stupid for believing all the awards it won yes way!

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

O.K. I am getting worried.

Where the hell is CLAYTS?

Probably on the DVD TIMES forum again.I cannot wait for his reply to
me sending my 450 back.

RE: Toshiba players are very good?


With so many happy owners it must be right but it is not the right player
for me you see.


RE: Toshiba players are very good?

I forgot about CLAYTS,oops!

Maybe I should not let have let the cat of the bag about my 450 going back.

I wonder what he will say?

The 450 is not a bad player at all it`s just that the picture was not good
enough for me.everything else is fine.

RE: Toshiba players are very good?

Picture quality for me is what DVD is all about.
I only what region 2 discs and don`t care for macro disable and such.

That`s why my Encore 450 went back friday.

Toshiba players are very good?

On this forum there has been not one problem with either the SD100 or
SD 200.
I think that is telling me something.

Best price for the SD100 = £189
SD200 = £279.

RE: Differences between Lecson 900 and Encore 450???


CLAYTS is quiet tonight.I expect him to shout at me any minute.

This forum is the best yet,not only have I found out some great stuff but
you and CLAYTS are a great laugh.

This item was edited on Friday, 29th December 2000, 00:26

RE: Differences between Lecson 900 and Encore 450???

I would stay well clear of the Encore.
The ESS chipset is crap for picture quality which is what DVD is all about

CLAYTS will have some thing to say about that but his player is a lot
older than mine,maybe the players they sell now are worse.

I have had 2 players exchanged and I have same problem.


Have you got DVD on your PC?
I have using POWERDVD software I have the same problem on it as
the encore untill I upgraded to version 3.
The picture on my PC is now better than the encore.the pulsing that I
had has now gone.
I hope the new firmware disk which is coming my way will fix it.
Until then I am also watching 12 monkeys since you mentioned it
but on my PC.
(2 crap 450`s in a row ? maybe)


What`s all this about a posh tv,well maybe.

This may come as a surprise but when using the my Sony tv KV_32FX20
the picture from the encore is as I say crap,but when using my old
Goodmans 28-2580 which is a really crap tv the picture is even worse

So the Sony is not highlighting the encore`s failings but in fact making it


Do not buy one, I repeat do not buy one.

Yes it has all the features, Multi region, macrovision disable but the
picture is total crap.

Out of the 12 dvd films I have only I plays a good picture.

RE: ENCORE 450 its pants then yes ?

If I knew about the ESS chipset problem I never would have bought
the Encore.

Like an old man once said to me, only buy top name brands when it comes to A/V products. looks like he was right.