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Any info on or LG 3350e?

Sammy Valtino (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 17:28

I was going to buy a LG 3200e from Comet today. Luckly they did`t have it in stock, now i`ve come across the LG 3350e at at the same price nearly as the 3200!. I`ve read nearly all these forum questions and was wondering how long it will take to get the machine as it says that it is`t in stock and is it a reliable sevice? Cheers

RE: Any info on or LG 3350e?

PN (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 17:45

In my experience they are a reliable company, but I`ve been waiting for my LG3350e since 4-Jan. They`ve told me they don`t know when they are getting any in, but they`ve told another on theses forums that they expect some tomorrow.

RE: Any info on or LG 3350e?

Sammy Valtino (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 18:09

Cheers, thanks a lot, although now i`ll have to wait even longer as my girlfriend has decided to "borrow" the money for a few weeks so i might get half back and end up with a Alba player or somthing!

RE: Any info on or LG 3350e?

Wrighty (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 14th January 2001, 19:50

I ordered my LG3350 from Dabs 27th Dec. It arrived last Thursday! Cool. The region hack works fine. Be patient I am sure they will get to you soon!

RE: Any info on or LG 3350e?

PN (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 20:44

Bad News: Dabs now reporting 3-4 weeks for LG 3350e
Good news: That`s plenty of time for you to get your money back from your girlfriend!

RE: Any info on or LG 3350e?

goldeneye (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th January 2001, 22:03

I bought my lg3350e in currys sunday. I know i paid over the odds, (£224.99, inc. staff discount) but at least I took it straight home and was using it within minutes!!!!!!!Also you can have buy now pay later. All you pay is 10% down and have 6 months to pay the balance (interest free). Tons better than the uncertainty of stock availability, weeks for delivery and worry of returns etc if you buy online.

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