Page 1 of Wharfedale 750s & American Beauty

Hardware Forum

Wharfedale 750s & American Beauty

Iain Stewart-Breakey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 11:14

Has anyone successfully played the Region 1 (DD/DTS) version of American Beauty on any of the Wharfedales (or Lecson 900)?
When I try, I get the initial screen asking me to select sound format. Whatever the input the screen freezes. The only way out is to put the player into standby.



RE: Wharfedale 750s & American Beauty

rollneck (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 12:11

Mine works fine no problems at all I`ve got a 750.

RE: Wharfedale 750s & American Beauty

Iain Stewart-Breakey (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 12:17

Thanks for that - I was wondering if it was anything to do with the Zoran Chipset as the older 750 uses the LSI Logic.

Thanks again

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