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Hardware Forum

Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

MalcolmM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 12:21

I bought an Aiwa in November but in the last week or so I have been having a problem with poor picture.
The picture was superb, but now it looks `milky`. It is rather like a TV picture when the contrast is turned down and the brightness is turned up.
I have tried the player on a different TV and even used a new SCART cable, but the problem is still there. Are there any settings on the player that I can adjust? Please help.

In addition, I have noticed that when the player is first swithed on there are white line pulses across the screen. They only last about 30 seconds and then the picture settles down. Is this normal?

RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

_007 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 18:49

Nope this doesn`t look normal! I`d take it back but you`re probably best waiting until there`s some available unless they can repair it!


RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

MalcolmM (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 19:57

Thanks, 007, but I`ve been left up the creek with this player.
I bought from an online electrical retailer in November and I rang them this afternoon to ask about a replacement. They told me that they don`t have any more and wont be selling Aiwa players for the foreseeable future (why?). I asked them for a refund but they said NO becaused I`ve had the player too long. They want to collect it to repair but won`t tell me how long the repair will take. This is all total crap. I shant buy online again.


RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

_007 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 20:15

Yeah that`s the downside with buying online as opposed to a retail store, where face to face they`re less likely to be cheeky!

If I was you I wouldn`t take any s*** from this company, demand they repair/replace it or refund your money, you are well within your rights to. Problem is if they`re a bunch of w***ers then they`ll kick up a fuss and it might take you load`s of phone calls, letters etc to sort out the hassle!

However there are some good reputable companies trading online it`s just harder to distinguish the quality retail stores to the shack down the alleyway owned by that dodgy geezer!

Stick with companies you know that`s what I say, you may pay more money but you`ll save yourself a hundred headaches!


RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

Microstar (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 21:42

What! The almighty Aiwa has feet of clay?

Ironduke, bear, Jimbo - where are your wise and witty comments on this duff Aiwa player? Or do you only respond when its a problem (or not) with a Scan player?

RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th January 2001, 02:37

I have already commented on a Quality Control Matter:P

This is Jimbos Baby anyway yer cheeky sod:P

STill beats the hell out of that P.O.S you got PAL:)


What! The almighty Aiwa has feet of clay?

lievn (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 6th January 2001, 13:42

I normally don`t participate in this sort of discussions, but as far as I know, there have been more postings of a Scan problem then there have been of the Aiwa.

There have been bad Sony players as well as bad Philips players.
Even the tyres of a BMW can go flat, so nothing to worry yet :)

As long as mine does the job, you won`t hear me complaining.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th January 2001, 17:09

RE: Help needed with Aiwa picture problem

Troy Nydekker (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th January 2001, 16:52

The solution to your problem is a simple one. Simply switch the player off, unplugg it (at this point it`s up to you whether you put it back in it`s box or not), and go out and bury it in un-holly ground. Make sure you then cover then entire area with salt when you`ve finished.

RE: What! The almighty Aiwa has feet of clay?

Troy Nydekker (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th January 2001, 16:55

Even the wheels of a BMW can go flat, so nothing to worry yet :)

Hmm, I can`t say that I`ve ever had a flat wheel on my car. Had the odd flat tyre, but not wheel. You obviously are as good an expert with cars as you are with dvd players.

RE: What! The almighty Aiwa has feet of clay?

lievn (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 9th January 2001, 17:39

Well looky here, I think we have a new member!

Let`s all welcome Troy ladies and gentlemen!!!

Let me guess U are the expert that we`ve all been waiting for?
The kind of person that only buys quality from quality labels, that is perfect in spelling, is fluently multilingual (especially in German) and knows what`s best for all of us right?

But Troy before u take me into the light, there`s just one thing.
It`s THE entire area not then.


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