Page 1 of Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

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Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Heather Wilson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 09:57

On my Sony KV-28FS20U TV there are two SCART inputs at the back: one handles RGB and the other S-Video.

Before I bought my DVD player (Oritron DVD600), I had my ONdigital box connected to my TV through the RGB connection. Neither my DVD player nor the ONdigital box output S-Video, so I have given the RGB connection to the DVD player for better quality at the cost of a glazy picture for ONdigital.

Can I get the best of both worlds?..

- Am I stuck unless I get a DVD player that outputs S-Video?
- If so, what`s the cheapest, remote-hackable DVD player that outputs S-Video?
- Is there some connector that I can buy to plug both the DVD player and the ONdigital box into the RGB SCART socket at the same time?

Opinions and experiences welcome!



RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Mick Golby (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 20:29


yes, your stuck! Not sure about the cheapest DVD with S-Video, but check the specs for the Cyberhome player that Smiths and Richers sell. Otherwise you`ll have to look around the £180 -200 mark.

You could try Maplins, Letropacks or Keene Electronics for a Scart switcher that throughputs an RGB signal, though there may be others. Hopefully, one of the other regulars might be able to help.

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

stuey c (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 20:59

I have the same TV I think - is it a 28" widescreen? I too have the same problem - I`ve put my DVD into AV1 which is the RGB and Sky Digital into AV2 - the picture is certainly watchable but not as good as through AV1 - I need a suggestion too!!!

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Heather Wilson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 09:05

Yes, it`s the 28" widescreen.

I think the only solution is to get a SCART switch - which means having to physically flick a switch whenever I want to change between DVD and ONdigital.

Does such a thing as a SCART RGB to SCART S-Video convertor exist?

Thanks for the replies,


This item was edited on Friday, 5th January 2001, 12:16

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

yee_har (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 21:52

Try Lektropacks as mentioned.

I thought you were on to a winner with this thing:

but it doesn`t seem to convert the way you need.
Try them anyway...?

(This thing would work in my application....only the £179 price puts me off!)

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Scoobs (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 22:52

Does the ONDigital box have two scarts? Mine does (Nokia) so I`ve just daisy-chained.

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Mick Golby (Competent) posted this on Friday, 5th January 2001, 23:05

You can get automatic Scart switches that just pick-up whichever Scart is in use, but whether you can get them in RGB I don`t know.

There is an RGB Scart to S-Video converter. I just came across a review of one while re-reading the November issue of "What Video TV" in my "study" (ahem!).

Its made by a firm called J.S. Technology, The Bungalow, Cunningham Head Estate, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, KA3 2PE. Phone number is 01294 850238.

URL is

Looks like a one man band, garage workshop type operation, but it worked apparently and got a good review. Costs £65 for the PAL version or £80 for the PAL/NTSC version.

This item was edited on Friday, 5th January 2001, 23:08

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

pegasus (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 6th January 2001, 00:31

Automatic Scart switches with RGB exist, I got one.
But I can`t help you find one here as I got mine in France where Scart has been standard on every AV equipement for the last 15 years :-)

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Heather Wilson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 10:06

I`ve got a Nokia ONdigital box too (probably the same one, I`d guess). I thought that the SCART connection on the back marked "AUX" was an output not a throughput input (if that makes any sense).

Anyway, I tried that last night and I couldn`t get that daisy chain to work for RGB (I got only sound and no picture). However it did work for the standard composite SCART.

Scoobs: have you got it working with RGB output from your DVD player, going into your ONdigital box which also outputs as RGB? If so, please tell me how!



RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Heather Wilson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 8th January 2001, 10:10

Mick: Thanks for the link, but I don`t really want to spend that much - I was hoping they`d be something for £10!

As far as I can tell, I think an automatic SCART switcher is the best option - I`ll have to go on the lookout for one of them.



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