Info and forum posts by 'yee_har'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 11th November 2000, 20:31, Last used: Wednesday, 24th March 2010, 10:05

Access Level: Competent

About this user:

This user has posted a total of 53 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD`s - Dual Screen Versions

Not many.

Probably more frequent in the USofA where they have a much higher ratio of (`kin big) 4:3 TVs to Widescreen 16:9 ones.
Example: Deliverance R1 is 4:3 one side; Widescreen on the other...the R2 version is Widescreen only.

Can you play R1 titles and view NTSC on your equipment?

RE: ultimate dvd

The best version of this (Platinum) can be picked up for £12/£14 from one of the Australian sites:

Naturally this has more on it than the Silver/Gold (titled) versions so make sure comparing apples with apples

RE: Lecson dvd-900

My Yamaha AV receiver came with a programmable remote.
There`s a section in the manual with loads of 4-digit codes to enable you to control various other bits of kit with it.

No sign of a code for the Lecson (or Wharfedale) DVD players though....

I`ve heard these can be tricky because for some reason they use rotating codes (like car alarms!?)

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 00:09

RE: Lecson dvd-900

Any of you fellow Lecson owners got any idea of the 4 digit code to plug into my programmable remote control?

I appreciate that the Lecson probably has rotating codes (why!?) like the Wharfedale...


Yamaha AV Amp - use of banana plugs??


Just bought a whole load of banana plugs to connect my speakers to my Yamaha RXV596 (and some for my car sub-woofer)

Tried the car first. Disaster. The one for the car had to be spilt as the spread between the individual banana plugs is not correct. Probably a failing of my car sub-woofer.
Next (car) disaster. Prepared the caps by removing the blanking plugs; inserted the banana plugs and they just wiggle around, they are not gripped!

Before I start on the Yamaha I thought I`d check these two things.
First, the spread between the plugs is correct for the Yamaha - good.
Second, I can`t see how this connection is going to be made.
I know I`m meant to bust the blanking caps out of the Yamaha black and red binding post caps...but inside there is the threaded rod that those caps screw up and down on.
Where the hell is the "space for" and "gripping bit" that the banana plug is meant to slot into?


RE: Universal remote controls

Anybody got one of these cheaper remotes to work with the Wharfedale/Lecson - which apparently have "cycling" codes which make them tricky to emulate.....?

RE: Yamaha RXV596RDS ???

1) it is a reciever rather than ("only") being an amplifier

2) you can actually get is (or seems to be) impossible to get either the A5 or E800 at the moment

3) coupla bucks extra

Apart from the "radio" I don`t think there are any differences between the two

See for details and manuals

p.s. I think Richer have them at £260

Who`s the daddy?

In the red corner - me with Yamaha 5 channel receiver (RXV596)
In the blue corner - missus with Denon "separates" system
The Denon "separates" are connected together by ribbon cables - there are no pre-outs for off-board amplification.

To keep madam happy (i.e. one set of front speakers and the Denon in service) I`m running the fronts (in my home cinema set-up) off the Yamaha`s pre-outs, amplified by the Denon.
I`m not happy with this as it`s definitely a compromise and I have to fart round with the levels.

The only "pre-out" that the Denon has is for an external tape-loop.

My question is - is this a valid pre-out? Can I use it to send CD (or tape) signals to my Yamaha so that the Yamaha becomes the daddy again?
Is this a go-er or fraught with problems (e.g. is that external tape loop pre-out on the Denon already amplified?)


RE: How many DVD forums are you on at the present moment...

Trying to restrict myself to here and dvdtimes (hope I haven`t sworn there...)

Related point - "etiquettte"
Say one has a good question/point - does one post it to all?
Does one alternate? (oo-er missus!)
Post it to all and get slagged...?
Which one first?
Post it to one only and get slagged...?
Argh - head exploding.....
Hmmm....maybe I should post this somewhere else now...

RE: Go out and see the eclipse!

Judging by this thread, a thief would have a field day nicking DVD stuff from houses in Scotland next lunar eclipse!

We`re all outside looking at the moon and (s)he`s away with the gear

RE: Clayts Help!!!!

Goddamit mean I`m gonna have to load it up again (as if it`s ever out of the tray!) and "shake da room".

Hehehe - gimme a minute.....

aside - the missus is away so I`m "sorted for volume"....however...the last time she went away I set fire to the cooker/grill which I forgot I was "warming up" (er...for 40 minutes?) whilst reading my e-mail!!
Picture the scene this time as she returns tomorrow....puts the door key in and the four walls of the house fall out, cartoon-stylee, courtesy of DTS!

Update: Well it sounded like that when I first watched it...and the missus had to be scraped off the ceiling when the shotgun went off...but now I (er...and about 40 of my neighbours) just notice the clarity...shot/"cock"/cartridge on floor.
Mind you, since the first time I`ve had to rewire the bugger to route the fronts thru` her hi-fi.
I also think all my earlier playings were with the DSP/Enhanced "On".
Too many options....

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th January 2001, 19:59

RE: How to waste hours and time

and I`d imagine most of us have sorted a 24/7, SurfTime or similar connection....

C`mon OFTEL....let`s really "Get it on" with BT so I can get my 24/7 back!

RE: Clayts Help!!!!

T2 DTS - enjoy!

Keep an ear out in the early stages for

the first battle scene

the scene where Arnie leaves the bar....unbelievable clarity e.g. leather trousers creaking (ahem!); dirt underfoot; sunglasses being opened;


RE: Go out and see the eclipse!

Yep - great here in Perth.

Looking up there I just could not beee-lieve how many stars were visible also

Have we done "Favourite continuity/logic errors" ?

Found yourself saying "Eh?! Did you see that?"

Start with a tame one:

Bruce Willis in Fifth Element - Chapter 16/17/18.
One minute full shirt and "dapper"; next minute he`s been wrestling with a lion (off camera)

Any fave "howlers"?

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

Half way through "Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man" only because my g/f of the time appeared to have dropped something in my lap.....aiiiiieeee! Happy days....

But seriously, how about:

when the development robot runs amok in "Robocop"

the Granny punch in "Don`t be a menace...."

Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint in the dining car in "N by NW"

the ending to "Electraglide in blue"

RE: Yammie A5 or E800 ???

Man alive!
Jim - when did you order that if you don`t mind me asking?
I`ve been waiting on an E800 from since the end of November.
I`m also surprised to see A5s around as, again, everyone I spoke to said "Out of stock until January due to huge buy-up after the rave press reviews"

RE: Region 1 vs Region 2 films


Programmable Remote: Numeric code for Lecson


Does anyone here know the four character numeric code to pump into my Yamaha A/V remote?


RE: Anyone have a Yamaha DSP E-800? I need some info.

I`m not too hot on the techie stuff....

It has Front Left and Front Right pre-outs - specifically for connection to an existing hi-fi amp.

As I say, I don`t know much about the terminology.....I think it`s just a "pass through"

You can sign up and download the manual from

RE: Where can i get a cheap 21in television???

I tried to e-mail this direct but can`t see how to...
This is probably W-A-Y against the rules but "in response" (as opposed to blatant plug).....

I recently convinced the missus to replace a perfectly good 5 y.o. Panasonic TX21V2 Nicam (2 scarts; s-vhs and phono sockets) for a new widescreen (for DVD!).

It`s sitting next to me as we speak!
If you don`t mind s.h. (quality) then I think she`s after £100 for it.

Of course it would help if you were local....Stirling/Dundee


RE: Yammie A5 or E800 ???

My understanding is that they`re both made out of "Unobtainium"!

I`d been waiting on an E800 since beginning of November ("no more in the country Sir until end of January at the soonest"...same for the A5 I believe) and eventually gave up and bought the A5`s sister...the RXV596RDS Receiver.
£270 out of Richer Sounds.
Didn`t really need the front channels (the E800 would`ve been ideal) nor a "radio" but I was fed up waiting....and the remote is (slightly) better. A5 for £200....that I might`ve waited for...


I remember reading this was an acknowledged problem and you threw the gear back at them to sort/replace....

Search this and dvdtimes forums

...some time later...

This item was edited on Sunday, 7th January 2001, 13:52

RE: Adult (gay) DVDs?

I know you said "could" (and also "any") but in principle this comment is so wide of the mark that it almost comes right round the globe to be near it again....but not really.

Things are a LOT more laid back than they used to be....check out most of the "usual suspects" DVD sites.....

Er...yesterday doctor er a friend of mine recommended reading up at

(ahem, shuffle)

RE: Question on dolby digital and Yamaha DSP-E800

Awesome.....(but I still can`t get over T2:UE on DTS to be honest!)

Gotta love this upgrading in stages mullarkey....real justification for watching films over again!

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Try Lektropacks as mentioned.

I thought you were on to a winner with this thing:

but it doesn`t seem to convert the way you need.
Try them anyway...?

(This thing would work in my application....only the £179 price puts me off!)

RE: Wharfedale M8 TV - Info needed please!

Can`t find it on their web-site but the "M10" ( ) appears to be a 4:3 ratio TV so I guess the M8 won`t be w/s (which the CTV890 is)