Page 1 of ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

Hardware Forum ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

kuat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 22:05

comet have told me that they have no more 370`s in the country and will be getting no more as it is discontinued.

having returned my Daewoo 2200 to argos today due to it terrible pixellation problems, I have £200 burning a hole in my credit card and seem to have the goods at £199. Has anyone got bad things to say about these guys?

or should I get the latest scan or the tosh?

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 22:22

Michael is good to deal with, and pretty fast, so give him a call!

Comet are INCORRECT!!
I have mail DIRECT from Aiwa saying the units are being brought into the country in March 2001, so they didn`t anticipate how fast the player would sell.

The Daewoo and the Scan I believe are the same machine, but I could be wrong. Nelley? Can you help here? final say...(as usual)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

mall (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 23:06

Comet told me 2 to 3 weeks and they would have some in stock.
I suspect a little hype going on here so people will panic and buy from switch-it-on.!
You cannot visit the premises without a appointment and if your dvd player packs in god knows how long it will take to get it fixed.
Better to stick with a big company like comet where you can take any faulty item back to the shop for repair or a refund.
If people are desperate to buy a Aiwa 370 then buy all means buy one from anyone who has one in ill wait till comet get some in stock.
If comet dont have any in stock by the end of january then i will reconsider buying a Aiwa and look at other options.

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

orac (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd January 2001, 23:59

I have ordered my AIWA 370 via the comet website/telephone.

But maybe stocks are very low now, as its the favorite player of def. this site.

All I can say about switch-it-on, is the place on the site where you input credit card details in, is not secure (no padlock in status bar), I am a web programmer and I would not order a product online from there.

I too want some more back up, rather than a small retailer in the London area.

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

kuat (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 12:01

yeah, I was a bit dubious about the ordering system from switch it on, but it turns out it isn`t actually an online order form. If you take it to the end it asks you to print the completed form and fax/post it to them.

No offence to the guys there but I think I may wait and see what Comet can come up with.

Then again, I`m getting a new widescreen TV delivered tomorrow and Scan do next day delivery.

Nelley reckons the pixellation problems suffered by the Daewoo are now resolved due to the new chipset - I am hoping resolved means totally gone as opposed to merely improved. Apart from this the Daewoo was a cracking wee machine IMHO.

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

orac (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 12:14

The SCAN problems reported on this site didn`t look good to me, do a search in these forums

SCAN? I wouldn`t touch it with a barge poll.

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

Le Borne (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 14:49

"barge poll" eh?

Why don;t you save your 200 quid and get a DECENT player in a few months time instead of being a cheapo who will only feel the consequences of buying a third rate pile of crap.

Try the Sony 336 you gaylord.

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

orac (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 15:25

try and play a region disk (other than R2) on a unmodified Sony then!

"Try the Sony 336 you gaylord"

Another 12 year old on these forums, get back to class

Someone back me up here...

Sony.....yeah right

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

Le Borne (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 15:42

I don`t even own a Sony my chubby friend. I own a modified Panasonic.

Do you believe everything you read?

RE: ref buying aiwa 370 / toshiba sd100e / scan sc 2000

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th January 2001, 16:41

SToke that fire Boys:)

But remember Big Brother is watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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