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Hardware Forum

Tosh Sd210

hotgoblin (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 14:16

I used to love my old Toshiba 210 machine, lovely pic,great sound etc. But recently something went wrong with it and i bought a Cyberhome 528 as a replacement. Apart from it`s horible bulky looks the Cyberhome does a neat job, but i would still like to get my Tosh repaired for a minimal amount of drinking vouchers. Ok heres the prob, the display on the front of the machine has gone completely blank and there is no sound output apart from the digital coax. In other words the pics fine but no sound through either the analogue outputsd or the scart. Don`t know if this is connected with the front panel losing it`s display, but any help would be appreciated.


RE: Tosh Sd210

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 12th February 2003, 14:36

Exactly the same thing happened with mine.
A little popping sound then zero sound and zero display.
I`ve heard of more doing this.
I don`t know how repairable it is as I handed it back to the shop and got a Pioneer instead.
Not very helpful I know, but at least you now know it`s apparently a common fault.

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