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Hardware Forum
This should be easy for all you techi guys, how do you tape/copy a dvd?
Although I`m no DVD `techie` I think the answer to your questions are as far as taping a DVD is concerned all DVD players come with a system called `Macrovision` which scrambles the picture when connected to a VCR, thus preventing copying. Depending on which player you have this can sometimes be disabled. Check the Multi-Region Hacks section on this site to see if it`s possible on your player.
If you want to make a DVD to DVD copy I assume you`ll need a PC equipped with a DVD writer plus appropriate software.
As I said I`m no DVD expert and I sure someone can give you better advice and/or other options.
If you`re player doesn`t let you disable macrovision, then you could buy or build a macrovision disabler. I had an Innovations catalogue delivered to my house, I remember that had a scart lead which removed macrovision but cost about £30.
I`ve just checked and they have a website also -, the catalogue number is MT6442. I may get one myself now!
i have a scart with a macrovision buster built in. it is just like a normal scart. but has a mains lead on one end. and it works perfectly i can also copy sky box office events/ movie`s. can get you the web address if you want ? cost me £30.00. well worth it