Page 1 of Attn Clayts..dodgy TV more thing..sorry

Hardware Forum

Attn Clayts..dodgy TV more thing..sorry

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th November 2002, 15:31

And the story unfoldeth...
Finally got a hold of RGB today. They told me they haven`t got round to checking if I`ve sent everything back ( which I have ) but once they check the contents on Monday they will send a replacement.
Now...what the hell do I do if the next one is just as tilted ??
One thing`s for sure...I`m going to check the picture before I spend 2 hours building the damned stand !!
Cheers for the advice. Much appreciated I can assure you. I`ll mention you in my will.

RE: Attn Clayts..dodgy TV more thing..sorry

Rob2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 16th November 2002, 11:16

Sorry to stick my nose in but, this might give you some more time while you`re waiting for a reply from clayts.

Do a search on Google under Consumer rights, consumer rights on electrical gooods.....or Your Rights on electrical goods.or something in that area and the answer might come up.

You really should have contacted trading standards who give FREE advice and have ALL THE LEGAL FACTS in front of them. This would have solved your problem yesterday.

If you are not happy with a replacement then tell them you DONT WANT a replacement, then offer to pay extra for another model which ALL shops will jump at the chance to.
Never a problem exchanging for a more expensive model....Funny that :-)

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