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Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th November 2002, 09:58

Furhter to my recent postings about a JVC telly bought from JVC.
I`m in a wee bit of a quandry here. Quick rundown is
1/ Telly delivered from RGB
2/ Problems with picture tilt advised to them very next morning
3/ Engineer came out but couldn`t fix it to my satisfaction
4/ TV sent back to RGB at their behest.
Now...the quandry part. RGB`s terms state that no exchange or refund will be offered if the TV falls within manufacturer`s specifications. JVC themselves state there is a 5mm tolerance in picture tilt !!!! Like you`re not going to notice a 5mm slope in your picture !!!! Not impressed with JVC !!! There`s no way I want to put up with that. So what do I do if RGB tell me it`s within manufacturer`s tolerances, and I`m stuck with a TV that p***es me off ???

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th November 2002, 09:59

Sorry - First line should say JVC telly bought from RGB.

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Rob2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th November 2002, 10:16

Contact trading standards as they may call the shop on your behalf. :-)

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th November 2002, 01:02

Hmm, tricky one, as it`s borderline "fit for the purpose it was bought for" - the fact JVC admit themselves that a 5mm tilt is within their tolerance levels does make it a bit tricky.

However, you weren`t to know that when you bought the thing from them, and there`s the crunch.

You should be well within your rights to reject the goods as it clearly is not tolerable to watch a TV with that much of a tilt - I`d push on that argument. However, there may be a time factor (Distance Selling Regulations) - how soon after you bought it did you report the fault ?

I would definitely involve Trading Standards if RGB refuse to refund/replace with alternative model - really the fault lies with the manufacturer here (shoddy tolerance levels) rather than the retailer, so they`re not to blame, in my opinion.

The other thing is - did you buy by credit card ? If so, you may be protected anyway.

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Rob2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 15th November 2002, 07:31

Just a note on the distance selling regulations act.

After speaking to Trading standards myself I was told, If the shop you purchased from hasn`t fully explained the DSRA terms at the time of purchase, then the DSRA can be extended by a week or two. That was about eighteen months ago so I`d check with trading standards IF this should come into your situation.

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th November 2002, 10:04

Clayts - It was the morning after delivery of the TV that I first phoned them, and there has been a daily dialogue ( albeit one-way...) ever since, mostly by fax or e-mail as they won`t answer their phones.
I`ve obviously kept copies of all correspondence. They`ve now had my TV back to them for 2 days now and I`ve heard nothing...zilch.
I can`t get through on the phone and they won`t answer my e-mails. I haven`t a clue that they`re planning to do, and I`ve been without a TV since Monday night when I boxed it up to send back. Looks like a weekend watching the grass grow as well...
Not happy with RGB and, to be honest, I`d rather they just refunded my credit card and I could buy one elsewhere.
The trouble is, I still want the JVC !
I just hope the next one is ok...
Any more advice you can offer seeing taking note of above ??

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Jefferson Haliday (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 14:11

One question:

The Engineer was employed by whom?

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 15:29

The engineer was employed by a local JVC dealership. RGB faxed them to come and ` fix ` it.
Latest development is that RGB have refunded me my money and I`ve re-ordered the same TV from Unbeatable instead. They offer a 21 day no-quibble return, which will cover me if this one has a tilt problem as well.
It`s a catch 22 situation as there`s no other TV I want within the price range, so I have to cross everything that the next one is OK.
However I was in my local Comet last night and there was an AV28R25EKS on display. Guess what ? The picture was tilted...
The new one comes tomorrow. 2 things are for sure.
1/ This is JVC`s last chance, ever.
2/ I`m checking the TV before I spend 2 hours building the stand....
Cheers to all who helped me remain fair but firm with RGB. I wouldn`t stop anyone from using them as if the TV had been OK I would have rated their service as first class.

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Rob2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 15:47

err,,,,,,they`ve offered to replace and refund in a week I`d consider that fair. theres plenty of people out there having a lot longer wait unfortunately.

Hope your new ones ok though :)

RE: Attn Clayts - Legal advice with dodgy telly

Bowf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th November 2002, 17:26

In summarised terms it might seem fair, but if you`d actually seen the endless hours I`ve spent sorting this out you`d see it`s been pretty shocking. I spent a week`s holiday sorting this out.
It`s only my own dogged determination and unwillingness to accept mediocre service that has meant it`s taken a week.
If I were to wait for them to call me god only knows when, or even if, I`d have got any satisfaction.
There may be people out there who have had to wait longer, but that`s their lookout for not applying pressure sufficiently or correctly. RGB may be glad to see the back of me now, but I couldn`t give a monkeys.

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