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If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

Alex ArbabZadeh (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 12:36

The Manhattan DVD2000 ( is a similar machine to the SCAN but comes in a silver finish and with a different front panel and remote button layout. All units bought from Satron ( are loaded with the latest v1.95 software (improvements include MP3 FF/REW) and offers the reputable brand name of Manhattan (well known in the Satellite industry and just now expanding into DVD).

The Manhattan DVD2000 is for those who want more than just performance from their DVD player, but strong manufacturer support as well. We pride ourselves on our customer service and one visit to our website or one query to any user of our many Satellite products will validate this.

At Manhattan we have been making high-quality electronics products for over a decade now and have had much experience to learn from. Unlike others out there, this allows us to offer an unrivalled after-sales service on our products.

This item was edited on Friday, 8th December 2000, 16:53

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

Iain M (Competent) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 12:51

That`s advertising isn`t it?

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

dazzerman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 13:29

Check out the review on this site and you will see that the Scan is a superior player.
Why are you using a users forum for free promotion any way????


RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 13:38

The mahatten 2000 comes from the same factory as the scan.The main
difference seems to be an extra scart scocket and firmware upgradedable
mpeg card.They are using the old region hack so the mpeg card is

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

dazzerman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 13:42

That explains the superior picture quality from the Scan player.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

Alex ArbabZadeh (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 14:42

Actually that is an incorrect statement. For those who honestly want to know the differences in the Manhattan/Scan abilities it is a simple chip. The initial batch of Manhattan/Scan players used the CS4955 TV encoder. The next stock coming in of both the Manhattan and Scan players use the ADV7172 TV encoder, a far superior chip. This is the element that determines the superior video performance. Otherwise the only thing distinguishing the Manhattan and Scan players are the different front panels, remotes and software (of which the Manhattan runs the latest V1.95).

For those who wish to do a test, use a copy of Region-2 Magnolia and skip to 10:50 into the film. If you have a player with the CS4955 chip you will see the white wall behind the police officer quite clearly break up into many little blocks. However, with the ADV7172 chip playback is far superior.

To get you thinking along the right lines, just think of the DVD player as three components - the DVD drive, mainboard and power supply. You could literally unwire the 3 connectors into the mainboard of a Scan player and wire it in instantly into the mainboard of another Manhattan player with no problems.

The only difference between Manhattan/Scan players with good playback and those with bad playback is that the good performance mainboards have the ADV7172 chips and the bad performance ones have the CS4955 chip. How many Scan`s and Daewoo`s have been sold with this sub-standard chip? Changing this chip is not possible - the whole mainboard has to be changed. How many mainboard`s do you expect Scan and Daewoo to be changing?

For those who want to know why they are unable to upgrade their DVD player via CDR, this is because the initial shipments used OTP ROM (that cannot be upgraded). In order to upgrade these players they first have to be fitted with a FLASH ROM but they are not pin-to-pin compatible as the PCB layout is not the same. This means alterations (i.e. soldering) have to be made first before a DVD player can be upgraded.

I would like to state though that we here at Manhattan have had stock of DVD for almost half a year now. The reason it is finally being advertised, reviewed and mentioned is because we, unlike some of our competitors, do not release sub-standard products as we like the fact that we actually DO provide some level of customer service. When you have your lines of support filled by unhappy customers with faulty products it begins to affect your ability to respond and provide an acceptable level of customer service. That is something we here at Manhattan simply will not allow.



RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

dazzerman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 15:16

If they are the Same machine, How come the one tested on this site is not as good as the scan tested on this site?
Something is wrong.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 15:22

The units were reviewed by two different people.

Before Alex and Nelley get into a war on this one, I will say that from my experience of playing with both machines they are almost identical and have the same strengths and weaknesses. At least in the units we were given to review.

The only differences I can see is the Scan has two SCART sockets, which will be a bonus to some.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 15:25

attn alex
Rather than get in to a scan x manhattan slanging match we shouild
both work together to ensure the factory produces a decent product
that customers are happy with and we can work together to iron out any
email me on yellen[at]ku.oc.nacs to discuss further.

RE: If you want support then you want the Manhattan DVD2000

dazzerman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 15:28

Good idea Nelley, Two brains are better than one.

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