Page 1 of Scan, no longer, letting me down.

Hardware Forum

Scan, no longer, letting me down.

IanF (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 08:50

If any of you have followed the, "My Scan SC-2000 Problems" and the "Scan letting me down" threads I thought I`d fill you in on the final chapter.

I`ve now received my refund, delivery costs included and a free DVD (X-Men) for my troubles. This has all taken far too long to get resolved (I bought my player in August and went through 2 replacements) however I`m happy with the final outcome.

I`ve used Scan many times in the past for PC components and I "don`t think" I`ve been put off doing this again, however I`ll not be in a hurry to try any of Scans own branded home entertainment products again.



RE: Scan, no longer, letting me down.

Judas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 18:23

I`m just awaiting a refund myself for a player I sent back, and i think I share the same sentiments as you (provided they don`t mess me about with the refund). I don`t blame Scan for the faulty player, it could happen to anyone, and although the lack of customer service is annoying, it is nearly christmas, and they seem to sort thing out in the end.


RE: Scan, no longer, letting me down.

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 22:35

I think you guys are only saying that cos you`ve got yer money back or you`re about to.

Whilst I appreciate they are a small company making good, their customer service really leaves a lot to be desired.

Two replacements since August simply isn`t good enough - that`s six months, mate.

I think that their product is good, but their infrastructure sucks ass - you need to think about who is buying your product, who`s gonna come back to you, and more importantly, word of mouth sales. At the moment, Scan are failing miserably on the last point if these forums are anything to go by.

Damn shame, cos I love seeing the big boys get shafted - c`mon Scan, sort it out and prove you`re just as good...

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