Page 1 of FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

Hardware Forum

FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

Judas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 21:24


As I have stated in one of the other threads, I tried ringing your customer services department today. What is it with this *automated telephone system* you have? I got a message saying "Please key in the extension you require" (????????) "Or press star to list departments" (should say "Press star to have this message repeated to you") "Or hold for further options". So I held, and it said "Transferring you to the operator". Cue 2-3 minutes of music, only to be sent back to the start of the message. 20 minutes later, still in the loop.

When I returned my faulty DVD player to you, I enclosed a note asking someone to get in touch with me to let me know what was going on. That was over a week ago and no-one has contacted me yet, not even to let me know if you had received the faulty unit.

I tried e-mailing wesley as you suggested, but the e-mail he sent made no mention of my problem, just told me you were getting new units in today (although it didn`t say if I would be getting one), and informed me that the £17.80 postage costs I incurred would not be refunded.

I logged on today, hoping to have an e-mail arranging a replacement.....nope.....nothing.

So at the moment I have paid out over £200 pounds for a supposedly budget DVD player and I still don`t have a unit or even a promise of one. What galls me the most is that I could get a Pioneer 535 (chipped and with free postage) for less than that.

Could you please contact me, or get someone else to, to arrange a replacement (or a refund to get a Pioneer). I have colleagues who are anxious to see the outcome of my saga before taking the plunge themselves (as are the people reading this forum), so it is in your interest to ensure that things are resolved speedily.

Thank you

Paul Jewitt


You can get my details from the e-mails I sent to you or wesley.

RE: FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

nelley (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 13:11

All outstanding orders for players were shipped on friday for monday
delivery.For the delivery i will send you a free dvd.Email me on
yellen[at]ku.oc.nacs and i will email you a list.

RE: FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

Judas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 4th December 2000, 19:24

Where the F@*! is my DVD player, I took today off work to wait in for the delivery, but nothing arrived.

If I haven`t got a player by tomorrow night (and it will have to be delivered to my work address as I have no holidays left), I will be demanding my money back


RE: FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 13:03

Good luck mate, I used to buy computer bits from Scan but their customer service is not second to none. It IS none. I never received emails back, calls back or postage refunds. They are CRAP. I implore everyone reading this to not use them. EVERY ORDER I EVER MADE FROM THEM WAS MESSED UP IN SOME WAY OR OTHER. WITHOUT FAIL. They even managed to debit my account for £500 or so quid for an order they did not deliver so I called in and they couldn`t refund me for a day and I couldn`t get the bits cos they`d cancelled the order. TOTALLY INCOMPETENT.

RE: FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

Judas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 5th December 2000, 20:25

Thank you for sending me my new shiny replacement DVD player today Scam......NOT! Never in my life have I been treat with such indifference by a company who were quite happy to take my money off me. Well I`ve had enough, I shall be e-mailing you nelley requesting my money back (I won`t even bother trying to ring your customer *support* line because I never get through). I know it is christmas rush, but I would have at least expexted a reply to my e-mails letting me know what is going on. I will say now to anyone else thinking of trusting Scam with their money, DON`T BOTHER. Go buy a Pioneer535 chipped from techtronics for £170, it`ll be less hassle.

A very p***ed off Judas

RE: FAO nelley RE:Scan customer services

jimw (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 06:33

You could try ringing their `head` of `customer support` (actually the MD`s wife) Nisha (who I must admit seems to me to be a very nice lady). email me for the number (82leks[at]ku.oc.oohay) as I don`t think it would be fair of me to type it here no matter how bad Scan are.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 06:36

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